BMW M2 and 2-Series Coupe
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Too many Alex's, from now on, call me Beaufort

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
  1. jesrour88
    02-08-2015 11:04 AM
    Hey Beaufort,

    I appreciate your write up on the charge pipe install. I do have a question. I purchased the evolution racewerks chargepipe for an 08 N54 335i with the HKS SSQV BOV. I have followed your guide to take my stock chargepipe off. I am about to install my evolution racewerks one, but I noticed I have to reuse the rubber grommet from my stock chargepipe for my new evolution racewerks. My new chargepipe is short and the instructions with it state I need to take the rubber grommet off and place on my charge pipe.

    Here is an image:

    You will see the top chargepipe is longer and that is what I removed. My new chargepipe is the same size as the bottom chargepipe, but I need to get the lower half of the top chargepipe onto my new one.

    Any ideas/recommendations?
  2. 330ibk
    01-15-2010 12:16 PM
    Hi Hyper. Understand you do some mods and, I'm ordering a cdv valve for my 330i. Would like to know if you could do the work for me. I'm out of brooklyn and could drive to N.J with no problem. Hope to hear from Ya.....
  3. robnj335i
    02-03-2009 09:00 AM
    Its going good. I finally got another 3 series so I'm happy :-) How have you been? Any local meets or events coming up?
  4. robnj335i
    01-29-2009 02:29 PM
    Hey, by any chance were you friends with a guy Mike Abusa that used to live in Princeton Junction? He had an Eclipse and e46. That yellow M3 looks familiar. I was his neighbor with a silver e46
  5. dreamk
    08-02-2008 02:05 PM
    i got in today it great i love it BUT!! on my way home i got two fucking tickets!!! 1 for speeding and 1 for tinted windows
  6. HyperM3
    08-02-2008 08:43 AM
    Theres only 1 map(other than stock map) available now. Its adaptive to any mods you do. Good things!
  7. dreamk
    08-01-2008 11:29 PM
    SpaRTan8 sent me a pm 2nite what maps you think i should get?
    it is sad.i enjoy your thread always good info damn i regret not goin to the last meet. telling by the picture it looked like fun.
  8. HyperM3
    08-01-2008 11:28 PM
    Im sure they arent ignoring you, just overwhelmed with people trying to get theirs reflashed. Give them a day or two to get back to you and/or keep calling. I think a snag might have recently come up but Ill keep you posted about that. In terms of posting, since I got promoted at work I hardly have any free time anymore. Its sad, I know.
  9. dreamk
    08-01-2008 03:18 PM
    hey Alex how is it going? maybe you can help me with this. what is the fastest way to get the new attache maps and hardness? i tried pm SpaRTan8 (Ant i think his name?) but i think he just ignores me. i called helix yesterday and haven't heard anything as of now.i had the attache for about a month now just sitting in a box in my room never went to get it re flashed cuz i was busy but now i can. damn it im too inpatient hopefully i can get it updated soon or else im just gonna sell it

    btw how come you dont post much anymore?
  10. Kiemyster
    07-25-2008 11:40 PM
    hey bro... just wanted to see whats the good with you. dont see u on the forums anymore... guess ur posing in ur NJ section strictly. Off topic misses you

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