Originally Posted by Questforpower
I have a legitimate question. Why is it that when you are leasing a lower end car (Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Nissan) there is never a way to negotiate the purchase price of the car? There is even no dealing on the payments if that's what was advertised. If I go to lease a BMW; I can easily get 4-5K knocked off the sticker price of the car and negotiate payments... in a Honda/Toyota dealership they won't even talk to you about that.
Honda's and Toyota's typically are lower margin cars and compete in a tougher automotive segment that premiums such as BMW and Mercedes. I would imagine alot of profit is stripped from the econoboxes before you walk in the door as opposed to premium brands that have a larger profit built in based on the customer base they are catering to.
I've seen alot of dealers moving to the "one simple price" model which applies both manufacturer and dealer discounts up front to give the illusion of no haggle pricing, even on premium brands.