Originally Posted by ybbiz34
In your opinion [NOTE: This is a signal that I have acknowledged your opinion and am about to offer my opinion and my basis for having such an opinion. Amazingly, this does not automatically mean that I believe that it is "right."], they (AR-15s) have no utility. (Apparently "oomph" and "hunting" are the only two possible purposes of rifles.) If I wanted some more "oomph" with my AR, I'd slap a 300BLK upper on it and have some fun. At 300 meters, the 300BLK has around 15-16% more energy than the 7.62x39 (AK) round. It's basically a cut down .223 casing with an AK bullet shoved in it.
The AR-15/M4 is arguably the most popular rifle platform in use today (at least in the United States). The M4 carbine is used by the U.S. military, countless law enforcement agencies across the country, and hundreds of thousands of civilians.
You know, some people train with their weapons/attend classes (like some members here track their cars), set them up to be home defense weapons, etc. and do not just go out in their backyard and shoot at coke cans 15 feet away once or twice a month.
The 5.56/.223 isn't a large round but it is still very effective/lethal out to about 500 yards.
Go spend about 5 hours over here: www.m4carbine.net and learn a little about the platform before you make yourself look silly.
And most importantly, to each his own. [This is pretty self-explanatory.]
P.S. - I enjoy all firearms. Nice M1.
Originally Posted by O-cha
Again, that's your failure at reading comprehension, I suggest you actually go back and review, you'll see I am defending my opinion against you trying to say it's wrong (actually I mostly only correct you and others putting words in my mouth). I say I think an ar15 is boring and an m1 is more fun to shoot, you say no I'm wrong your opinion is right. I defend my opinion, which requires refuting yours. There's a difference between defending an opinion against someone trying to convince people that there's is right and someone else is wrong, and being the moron that tried to do it in the first place (that's you, since you probably haven't figured that out)
I love how your stance is that you are DEFENDING your opinion (not trying to convince me/others that it is right).
But when I try to express my opinion, I am trying to convince you/others that is right, rather than just defending MY opinion.
Can you read what I quoted up there? Are you capable of understanding that? How did you fail to interpret the statement: "To each his own" to mean anything else than an acknowledgment of the fact that we had differing opinions?
Do you have to make up for your lack of logic and reason by calling me ignorant, moron, idiot, etc.?