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      09-25-2017, 01:06 PM   #55
Torgus's Avatar

Drives: N54 6466 100% E85 + Meth
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Boston, MA

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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
When you have a 14 yr old who won't follow the rules, you try grounding him, taking away phone, tv, game console, etc and he doesn't stop, the cops hsve to arrest him 4 times, he runs away 6 times, is caught sleeping with 4 girls in their early 20s, eith pot, and trys acid, you take more extreme measures. He does get excellent grades though.
So basically me when I was 14/15.

My mother sent me to live with my Father in Nebraska which was like prison. My relationship was never the same with my parents(both sides) ever again. I know they both thought they were doing what was best, but it was not.

I hope the fruits of your actions will not come back to bite you in the ass. Also why a Canadian military school if you live in Florida? There are plenty of good US academies. Also, last time I checked, no one is scared of the Canadian military.

If I was sent to something like a Military Academy at that age I think I would have done something VERY drastic and many people.

edit: How can private school be less costly?
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