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      10-05-2017, 01:46 PM   #314
I'll get back to you
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
Don't want to hurt the fat kids feelings? Is this true? That would make me very sad indeed.
Yes. And before Columbine it was common for seniors who drove to school to have a rifle rack with shotguns in the back window of their pickup in the school parking lot. My school, 450 kids per grade, would have a dozen or so in the lot every day. And this is in North NJ in the mid 80s, 40 min from NYC, not some backwoods. Guess what, no problems.
Check this out, when I was in high school a friend and myself brought in our shotguns for kind of a show Intel presentation. We had to check them in at the principals office but one class time came around we went downstairs and got them and brought them up showed people how they work. Had ammunition that we passed around. When the presentation was over we packed them up and brought him back to the principals office. Pick them up on the way out of school and I think I even got on the bus. With it.
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