Originally Posted by dreamingat30fps
Personally I think both sides are wrong. I do think that having no guns in the country would reduce these types of events. Sure you could make a bomb or use a car or knife but all of these increase the barrier to entry for the nutter. You may still have these events but I think there would be fewer and with a smaller number of deaths.
That being said I think the ONLY way that would hold true is if you got rid of EVERY gun. I don't think banning large magazines, or "assault" weapons or any of that crap will do absolutely anything. I also believe it would be impossible to remove all the guns from this country.
For most that's where it ends, but I can totally see someone who's mentally unstable with this kind of hate going full psycho and committing one of these mass shooting.
Your beginning statement about removing guns is an unviable solution given the current state of the nation. New laws can be implemented to help control better, but this situation is solely about your last comment. It's a mental health issue in the US that needs to be addressed, because that is what is driving these people to commit these crimes.
You can strip a lunatic of their guns or knives, but based on the amount of precautions he took, the numerous venues he had hotel rooms based around other events, etc...., if he didn't have a gun at his disposal, he damn well had enough money to complete his task in many other ways.