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      10-27-2017, 09:39 AM   #65
CTinline-six's Avatar

Drives: '09 328i, '98 Wrangler
Join Date: Dec 2016
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I work with a few local school districts handling their technology plans.

I think one big thing that stands out is that parents try to be friends with their kids. They want their kids to like them, and to accept them.

I wasn't friends with my parents, they were my superiors and to be treated with respect. I wasn't too fond of it growing up, but now we have a great relationship and I'm glad they were strict with me. I see a lot of my friends who had the "cool, modern parents" growing up and many of them are in jail, have minimum wage jobs, kids with a bunch of different partners, etc. This isn't to say that my parents were dictators or anything, they actually entertained quite a bit and we had a lot of fun growing up, but if they told me something was to be done a certain way, I did it.

I was the typical class clown in school, but I knew that I didn't want my parents coming to the school if there was a problem, and they never really had to. I might have gotten in trouble a few times and each time my parents sided with the teacher. These days kids can do no wrong, and I've seen teachers even get sued by parents for saying the kid did something wrong, it's insane.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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