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      06-05-2019, 08:00 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by KingOfJericho View Post
I actually think the story is much the opposite. Ford was an automotive superpower while Ferrari was largely a boutique racing company who sold road cars to support the habit. Ferrari were racing specialists, not rich nor aristocratic. Everyone knows the story but it's really a prideful owner of said boutique not wanting to sell out to the superpower of his industry. The superpower then threw a ton of money and effort into crushing them at their own game... and won.
That's right. The story goes that Ford wanted to buy Ferrari, but Enzo Ferrari wanted to keep control of the Ferrari racing team. Ford did not want to give in, so Enzo was furious and left the meeting at the 12th hr much to the surprise of Ford.

As revenge, Ford threw a shit ton of money and made the GT to end Ferrari's 6 year winning streak at Le Mans. The Ford GT turned out to be a horrible car. They then went to Carrol Shelby and Ken Miles to take over. The GT was renamed the GT40 and subsequently lost because the car was still a pile of shit. I think it took two humiliating Le Mans loses until the Ford GT40 got sorted out and took a 1-2-3 win in 1966.

It will be interesting to see how this movie portrays Ford: as the underdog home team taking on the snooty European powerhouse, or the giant mega-corporation taking out the small boutique but highly regarded small Italian car manufacturer.

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