Originally Posted by Joekerr
I have an idea as to why he is doing it. It is because he is a cat.
I'm guessing that gives you an idea of how much I like cats. Funny thing is, I'll pet them if they are there at another person's house, and I appreciate the presence of a pet, but would never ever get one. I just don't see them being good company or excited like a dog.
What if you were to don a pair of dish gloves so you don't get his hair on you and grab him and rub his face in the urine next time he does that? Pretty sure he wouldn't like that very much and might get the drift that if he does that, he gets it on him.
Probably a bunch of people calling PETA on me right now, but I don't care.
As you know, I'm not a cat fan either but he was part of the package. After living alone for 15 years, I now have my man, his 22 year old son and a freakin cat.....
I get what you're saying but all of a sudden? He never did it before.