Originally Posted by webmeezer
All good ideas above..
Couple of other things:
Does the cat just miss the box (typical of older male cats (and humans)) or not using the box at all or just nearby, or somewhere completely new?
Never use only a cleaner to try to cover up the smell. Use a bio-enzymatic cleaner like Natures Miracle that "eats" up the pee molecules. You have to leave it wet for quite some time to let it work.
Hyperthyroid (over) is a very common cause of litterbox problems. Being hyperthyroid is easily treated with medication or "RadioCat" where they give the thyroid a dose of radiation (they only glow for a short while  .
Hyperthyroid can cover up kidney problems because is speeds up the heart rate, so treating the thyroid may cause previously unidentified kidney issues to show up, so make sure they run a SDMA kidney test as well.
Sounds medical not behavioral, which is a good thing. Really, really hard to stop a cat from marking, since it's such a positive thing for a cat to do (Wow, this smells just like me, how cool is that..)
He has his rear claws, not front. He isn't missing the litter box, it's in a different bathroom. He just seems drawn to this spot. He is on the old side, I'm thinking 16, maybe older.
The vet did say his heartbeat was fast.
Thanks so much, I'll have to look into that Natures Miracle