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      07-12-2019, 07:46 PM   #3
Retired soccer mom
natahoa's Avatar

Drives: x5 40i 2019
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Rural Eastern MD (Eastern Shore/Delmarva)

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I have some news. My car sits outside, under trees, which shade it most of the time. But I get some bird poop and a lot of tree debris, which stains the car if it rains.

I tried car guys hybrid wax, which had great reviews. It said you could use it on everything including windows - it was a NIGHTMARE getting the haze off the windows. After a rain or during washing it did not seem to protect the finish very much.

Yesterday I used turtle wax ICE seal and shine. Simple and fast and seemed to work much more nicely on the windows, but I only did a few of them.

Last night we had a huge torrential storm with high winds and tons of rain. I knew it was coming when I waxed the car, but thought it would be a good test.

I was amazed today. Almost no dry-water spotting, but lots of tree debris had left little brown stains (my car is mineral white). I cleaned the car and got the stains off, and proceeded to get out my step stool so I could wax the roof, moonroof, and the rest of the windows.

I buffed the windows several times with clean cloths, and they look great and all the water spots come off. I haven’t driven the car in the sun yet but will do that tomorrow.

I am so pleased with this product, much better than others I’ve tried in the past five weeks since I got my car!
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