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      01-29-2021, 10:45 AM   #5993
XKxRome0ox's Avatar

Drives: '08 E90 M3
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Los Angeles, CA

iTrader: (4)

Originally Posted by NorCalAthlete View Post
To be fair, I was about 50% cash already (house shopping and needed the down payment on standby...6 figure down payment out here). The shopping has been going for a year though so I've had that portion just sitting this entire last run so I definitely missed out on some massive gains.

That being said, this GME run is definitely making up for it and then some, and if it does what I'm crossing my fingers it will, I'll only be about 20%
That worked out great for you
Perhaps you can buy your house in cash after everything is done lol

What is your realistic and dream price goal for GME?
I'm selling about half if it spikes over $1000 and then holding until at least Monday-Tuesday and just watch how it goes and market sell
2008 E90 M3 / LCI trunk + euro tail swap

Production date - 2008-04-22
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