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      02-02-2022, 05:27 PM   #45
Brigadier General

Drives: 2014 328i M-Sport, 2019 X5 40i
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: San Francisco

iTrader: (0)

I feel for you, man. It must be horrible to be in this kind of rut.

Not to brag, but I always had the opposite situation regarding work. I have no idea where my self-motivation started, maybe because my mother made me work hard as a kid to do my share around the house. From my very first job I had a fire in my belly to just do the best I could and enjoy it. I was able to work my entire career without losing that fire. Even now that I am retired, when a friend brings up a work situation, my ears still perk up.

Since I've never been in your shoes, I can't give you any direct advice. Hopefully, what you are going through is temporary. Maybe you can try some of the ideas from the posts here and see what works for you.

Just think how lucky you are to have a job that provides your current lifestyle. Focus on the positive if you can.

Good luck!
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