Originally Posted by freakystyly
Originally Posted by shoei
They got four bulldozers out here breaking down the giant wall they build every year for the winter. Keep the water out from reaching the homes.
Landlubber here, what's the reasoning behind building up the shore in the winter where it doesn't see ice?
Also, forecast for here is... ice. 
The water rises in the winter and can make it up past the beach (sand) all the way to the homes. It's only in certain sections - mostly the area closer to ocean water runoff and the houses that are on the beach or boardwalk.
It's like a mini Great Wall of China. In the winter but it's still kinda neat. All the kids come out with sleds. It's just brown snow.
Damn, I went to google maps to pull up a pic but I'll be damned. You can actually see "the Great Wall of sand" from space. If you zoom in on the sand you can make out the wall and how far it goes lol