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      06-12-2022, 01:15 AM   #346
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Originally Posted by Poochie View Post
Originally Posted by Tag View Post
Originally Posted by MikeM6 View Post
For me personally a little disappointing, mostly the front. The lower rectangular side pieces protrude and feel very... basic, not well integrated with the rest of the car. Center area is not appealing. It feels like they tried to give it an aggressive(?) square/boxy feel. Headlights don't have the aggressive look of other dual beam M cars, M3/4/5/8 etc.

I was really excited to see it. Wanted to love it. Left a little disappointed. To be fair, it was in a small area so you couldn't stand very far back to look at it from all angles at distance. Other colors might also look better.
Really appreciate your honest candor. If I don't like its design I will get something else and it won't be a BMW. Maybe they'll update it for the LCI model, but that's a ways off. Really a shame, because I'm not the only one that feels this way.
I feel your lack of enthusiasm. 😌

The fact the M2 is the only entry-level BMW with a manual option the only thing that still keeps me tethered to the brand, it's a shame it's not going to look the part, as the F87 instantly did.

If it wasn't for the M2, I would look towards a Supra or maybe even a E or CLS Mercedes.. Say what you want about MB, all their vehicle still give off a stately appearance and hovers within BMW's price range.
How's the small MB cars manual roasta looking?

I just of course but I'm not sure MB even make a manual anything anymore…except a very expensive pedal bike my Instagram keep trying to get me into.

To comment all recent comments, for me too, hmm it is looking a bit 'meh' at the moment. The rear photo isn't making the most of the flared arches I hope, but most worrying are peoples comments who've seen it.

BMW this is what happens when you hype something too much!

I still have faith it will be a great car. Will it have Individual paint from early on at the Mexico plant?
My car made front page of Bimmerpost
Appreciate 0