Thread: Stop Sale
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      09-28-2022, 10:03 AM   #9
New Member

Drives: 2023 M240i
Join Date: Sep 2022
Location: Toronto, Canada

iTrader: (0)

I was told about the stop-sale/stop-delivery 30 mins before my pick up. To say the least I was livid especially because the trade-in of my other car was done the night before. Literally left me stranded at the dealership with no loaners available, and honestly a pretty cold shoulder from the dealership (BMW Toronto). Won't be doing any of my after-care with them unless they do some decent customer service for once. I was given very few options and ended up signing for the car for the max 10-day ahead of time.

Here's the awesome thing about that - if the car is fixed before the 10-days, still can't pick it up, if it's not fixed after 10-days, I still begin making payments on the car.

After Uber-ing home and calling BMW Canada I received a call from back from a manager who said they can't help me now, but once the car is in my possession they will back track and calculate a compensation package. No idea what that entails but I hope they at least reimburse the payments and interest for the time lost.
Appreciate 4