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      01-10-2023, 10:07 PM   #25
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Drives: 2023 230i
Join Date: Dec 2022
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Originally Posted by Cwatt79 View Post
The lack of an LSD is pretty disappointing. This is my fifth RWD car and by far the most expensive one I've owned, but it's the only one with brake-based traction management. My most recent car (Acura TLX with SH-AWD) spoiled me with its punch-and-go anywhere capability. I learned this the hard way the other day when I was turning out of a parking lot onto a busy uphill street and punched it, only for the inside wheel to lose traction and the car to cut all power before it slowly started moving forward while the traction light flashed at me. I was pretty disappointed with how my $50k "sporty" coupe handled that. Almost makes me wish I had gotten xDrive, which is even more disappointing because I don't live in a snowy climate and truly enjoy the dynamics of RWD. Of course all they need to do is offer the Dynamic Handling Package again, but that won't help me!
This is user error. You need to enable 'Traction' mode under DSC. This will disable power cuts and brake pinching unless you're waaaay out of control, and will allow you to drive more freely. You can even try 'DSC Off' but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're very confident in handling oversteer and weather conditions are good, because at that point the stability controls are completely off and where you end up (ie. wrapped around a tree if you're driving like a moron) is entirely between you and Sir Isaac Newton.

Last edited by surstromming; 01-10-2023 at 10:34 PM..
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