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      11-03-2023, 04:13 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium View Post
Yeah. it was great to see the Astons running faster again . They got a combination from old and new upgrades .
ALO looked faster as well . Hopefully he can push it to the podium.

MAX about his pole lap : It was like driving in the dark, and I had to fight against the gusts of wind .
The cars balance was completey gone by the wind . It was really bad .I thought my pole lap was actually a failed lap ...

Checo will be in trouble again at P9, he waited too long in the box while the sky was already pitch black .
You don't have to be smart , to see that a big thunderstorm was approaching at any moment !
MAX knew it , it was a matter of 1-2 minutes or even seconds !
Checo screwed himself (as usal)! Too bad !
Checo has both the Ferraris,Mercs,Larens and the AM's in front, it looks like mission impossible in the true sense and HAM is good here.
Appreciate 2