Originally Posted by BabyM240i
Definitely! That’s the plan. I was expecting a bit more rain so I thought it might be a good idea to retain some stability. Have you ran in Traction? I didn’t find it to be too aggressive but read up that DSC can also contribute negatively to brake temps.
I’m not sure about brake temps. I don’t have opportunities to drive the car hard for that long but it makes sense that the higher interference system will brake more.
Traction on basically cuts all power to prevent slip. It’s useful if you are on a new street or track and just want to take it easy but will kill your exit speed. If the road upsets the balance of the car, you still need to make small corrections with counter steering, so don’t trust it that much.
Traction off and DSC on I already mentioned: Works pretty well until it doesn’t, then the car is trying to spin you out. Mainly a feature for straight line heroes that just want to mash the throttle and get a slightly better launch.
Once you know all the optimal driving lines on the track and your braking points, DSC off is the way to go.