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      11-28-2024, 10:13 AM   #550
Lieutenant Colonel

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Originally Posted by dfox View Post
Interesting stats.
This doesn’t take into account the qualitiative things like car competitiveness - Max won 2 of these WDCs in inferior and slower cars whereas Ham’s first was only won with a blantant cheating scandal the FIA admitted to covering up and the other 3 were in a car so fast Helen Keller would have gotten in and won with ease. Beyond that 2022/2023 from Max are stastically two of the best seasons ever in F1 (only other one close was Schumacher’s 2004) and are way above Ham’s best season by large margin.
On top of that, winning, especially year over year since 2022 has become the hardest in history due to budget and limited testing scale, the most competitive field of cars which are some of the most difficult to drive as well, and was done in an era of skill and talent that was not there when Ham won his in the most dominant and easy to drive car ever seen. So Max’s all around have far more weight to them. I’d argue Max’s 4 are equal to Ham’s “7”. Ham’s 7 at the same time are nowhere close to Schuamcher’s 7 which were as hard earned as Max’s.

Last edited by HeelToeShift; 11-29-2024 at 08:15 AM..
Appreciate 2