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      01-22-2025, 08:38 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Mosaud1998 View Post
I'm honestly having a hard time finding a new job. I've been looking for about a year and have had little luck landing one. I've had a few good opportunities, but the companies ended up going with someone who has more experience or just blatantly ghosting.

I'm 26 years old, and I've been in the sales industry for about 6 years now. I was a used car manager for about 1.5 years until Ford decided to take the Ford ticket from the owners, resulting in the dealership shutting its doors. Ever since that happened, I've had a hard time finding a new job that isn't selling cars or any kind of sales gig.

I don't even know where to look anymore or what kind of jobs to apply for. I got my bachelor's while working as a used car manager. I got a B.S. in technical management. I've had 2-3 interviews with General Motors for a district sales manager position, 1 with Honda for a district sales manager position, and 1 with J.D. Power for a software implementation manager role (I for sure thought I got the job since I had 3 interviews with different people. They ended up going with another guy with more experience).

I get sales job offers, but I want out of sales. Kind of feel like giving up looking for a new job. It's becoming stressful.
Humble yourself and get an interim “low level” job to help tide you over
while you’re looking for your “dream” job.

You should also consider joining the military. Free training, see the world…
2014 BMW M235i
2024 Mercedes Benz GLC300

Has it been 4 years yet?

Last edited by 3.0L; 01-22-2025 at 09:24 AM..
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