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      03-08-2007, 06:07 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by alpine318 View Post
Ban me mother fucker
Motherfucker is actually one word. But, a very good choice anyway, at least according to Wikipedia:

"Motherfucker (also existing in countless contracted forms e.g. muthafucka , mofo) a common insult and profanity in American English and, to a lesser extent, in other varieties of the English language. The term is widely viewed as an obscenity, but may be used by some in a neutral or positive way.

The term is literally an accusation of incest, although as with most insults, it is used pejoratively (like "kus umak", which has roughly the same meaning and level of obscenity in Arabic). When used in this way specifically in relation to a man, it may be intended as an attack on his masculinity. Many consider "motherfucker" to be one of the most offensive profanities in the English language. A study published in 2000 found that British people consider it second only to "cunt" in severity (Hargrave, 2000)."
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