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      05-29-2011, 12:30 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by footie View Post
I've been fortunate enough to own a few Porsches as well as track them and has also been fortunate enough to have tracked a fair few Ferraris too. You feel you get much much more from a Ferrari than a Porsche? Sure lets look at lap times, a perfect example is the comparison test they did between the 430Scud and the GT3RS a while back, they did the same lap time and yet the Ferrari was a sizeable bit more expensive.

Sorry but from my experience the Ferrari feels like a kitcar by comparison, maybe the latest 458 has improved on this I honestly don't know as I haven't driven it yet but the rest when compared to the equivalent Porsche it's the Porsche that has always feel more solid and dare I say it more engineered of the two. Unlike a Porsche which when you take it to the track the whole experience goes up a couple of levels from before, the Ferrari which impressed so much on the road fails to live up to the hype on the track (personal opinion here guys). Ferraris in my mind is like someone famous that you admire and finally get to meet but turn out to be such a disappointment, at least with the Porsche it always fulfills your expectations and more.
Ya I guess thats your opinion. I have been on the track in ferraris too.. But did you just call a Ferrari a Kitcar...

Sorry but the sound and experience I have had with Ferraris is 10000000 times better than any porsche (I have not been in the CGT on the track).

Im 22 but I have had a lot of great people around me.. And I think this is all personal opinion.

"Speed never killed anyone its very important to get that straight, Speed has never killed a soul. Suddenly becoming stationary thats what gets people." - Jeremy Clarkson
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