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      10-13-2009, 11:43 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by oilfighter View Post
When I first went to college (UT Austin), a friend told me that there's this railroad crossing in San Antonio that had a really bad accident. A school bus full of children was struck by a train, and all the little kids perished in the accident. All the surrounding streets are also named after these kids in their memory.

Story goes that, if you were parked on the tracks, the kids would come and push your car out of the way. And if you sprinkle baby powders on the back of your car, you would see tiny hand prints.

One day, a few of my friends got bored and drove down to San Antonio to test this out. So we parked the car, sprinkled baby powder, and shifted the gear into neutral. Sure enough, the car started to roll. But after a few tests, we've concluded that it's really a slight downhill that's causing the car to roll off the tracks. I also got out of the car to see if there are any hand prints, but there weren't any.

After this whole experiment, we decided to go to the mall. After I parked the car, we all got out, and I heard one of the girls started to scream. We all ran over to see what was wrong. There was a single hand print on my C pillar, super clear, and it was a tiny hand! During the whole experiment that we did, I was the only person that got out of the car, and the thing is, I didn't sprinkle any where other than the back of the car, I didn't even go near the passenger side C Pillar. That hand print was also smaller than any of our hands.

I took a picture of that, I probably still have that pic laying around some where. Till this day, I still can't explain how that tiny handprint got there.
Ok I'm oficially freaked out, thank god its 12 in the afternoon and I'm at work
"Barzini is dead. So is Phillip Tattallgia. Moe Green. Slacci. Cuneo. Today I settled all family business so don't tell me that you're innocent. Admit what you did"
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      10-13-2009, 01:06 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by oilfighter View Post
When I first went to college (UT Austin), a friend told me that there's this railroad crossing in San Antonio that had a really bad accident. A school bus full of children was struck by a train, and all the little kids perished in the accident. All the surrounding streets are also named after these kids in their memory.

Story goes that, if you were parked on the tracks, the kids would come and push your car out of the way. And if you sprinkle baby powders on the back of your car, you would see tiny hand prints.

One day, a few of my friends got bored and drove down to San Antonio to test this out. So we parked the car, sprinkled baby powder, and shifted the gear into neutral. Sure enough, the car started to roll. But after a few tests, we've concluded that it's really a slight downhill that's causing the car to roll off the tracks. I also got out of the car to see if there are any hand prints, but there weren't any.

After this whole experiment, we decided to go to the mall. After I parked the car, we all got out, and I heard one of the girls started to scream. We all ran over to see what was wrong. There was a single hand print on my C pillar, super clear, and it was a tiny hand! During the whole experiment that we did, I was the only person that got out of the car, and the thing is, I didn't sprinkle any where other than the back of the car, I didn't even go near the passenger side C Pillar. That hand print was also smaller than any of our hands.

I took a picture of that, I probably still have that pic laying around some where. Till this day, I still can't explain how that tiny handprint got there.
i saw this same story on scifi or some ghost show and they didn't catch anything
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      10-13-2009, 01:30 PM   #47

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more stories! this thread is freaking me out and keeping me up at night haha

only thing i can remember was this one time during the summer me and couple of friends decided to go to a Weird NJ location (Devil's Tower" in Alpine NJ at around midnight. the actual spot is a complete joke and not scary at all but the drive there was freaky as hell!

a lot of parts of the town are not lit up so its difficult to see where youre going, but we had his navigation set to take us to this tower. it took us forever to find the street cause it didnt even exist on his navigation. as we were driving on a main road, all of a sudden out of the corner of our eyes to the right of us, some weird person dressed in black appears out of nowhere and is running like a zombie. we all jumped and screamed like a bunch of girls the second we all saw this person, and sped away, but then we laughed our asses off at what had happened

as we continued on our way, we could sense that we were very close to the area, his navigation kept taking us through these dark back roads. eventually we came to a fork in the road. we could either take a left and continue on a normal path or do as the navigation said and take a right. the road to the right was an unfinished, gravel dirt road leading into complete darkness with tall overgrown bushes and trees with what looked like abandoned old cars at the farthest distance we could see. looking at the map the road was L shaped so we knew wed be driving through longer than we wanted. i told him to go through anyway. they didnt want to go in at all. we started going in, and about the first 50 feet we backed the hell out and drove away. it was struggling to drive through and we were already freaked out over the zombie guy and the creepiness of the area

we finally got to the tower and it was kinda odd how it is located literally in the middle of the road, and its all boarded up. it also made weird noises from the very top. but overall, totally lame as there are huge lit up mansions surrounding it, and a party was going on down the block lol

oh youre also supposed to walk around the tower or drive around it three times or something and youd see the devil, but of course nothing happened

not too freaky of a story but it sure made our adrenaline rush
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      10-13-2009, 01:43 PM   #48
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Story number 2: When I was in about the eighth grade, I was staying at my grandmother's apartment in Bulgaria for a couple of weeks over the summer with my cousin. We slept in the same room, with my bed adjacent to a balcony and her bed on the opposite side of the room parallel to mine.

So it's about midnight and my cousin and I are trying to go to sleep, so we were sharing stories, some of the creepy variety and others just regular stories. Finally we decide it's time to go to sleep so we shut up, and about a minute later, the light in the balcony flashes on, stays lit for half a second or so, and then goes off again.

My cousin and I were both frozen in our beds, so finally I whisper to her "did you see that?" She whispers back "yeah, what the hell happened?" We had just finished sharing creepy stories so we were scared shitless when this happened. It's worth noting, also, that my grandfather had passed away about a year prior to this, so we had all kinds of thoughts running through our heads.

Finally, I worked up the courage to get out of my bed and walked onto the balcony. Naturally, there was nothing there, and my grandmother was sound asleep in the room next door. Maybe there was an electricity surge, although I don't know why it would only affect that light and nothing else in the apartment. Needless to say, my cousin and I had trouble going to sleep that night.
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      10-13-2009, 05:27 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by MJC///M3 View Post
I hate happens to me every now and then. I'll be completely aware of my surroundings but simply can't move, can't open my eyes, nothing....its awful...

any know what causes it??
It also happens to me every now and then. It definitely feels like there is a presence in the room yet I am asleep/awake/paralyzed at the same time. It also feels like somebody or something is downloading my thoughts! When I do wake up and eventually fall asleep again, it happens again and again in the same night. Scary as fuck! I haven't experienced SP for probably over a year now (it'll happen for a week or so and then go away for a year or two).

Anybody else have similar experiences?
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      10-13-2009, 05:48 PM   #50
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^^ same... but my eyes are open and I can look around but can't move my head and every part of body. Feels like someone is holding you down or something. REALLY scary feeling...
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      10-13-2009, 05:57 PM   #51

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Originally Posted by Rick View Post
It also happens to me every now and then. It definitely feels like there is a presence in the room yet I am asleep/awake/paralyzed at the same time. It also feels like somebody or something is downloading my thoughts! When I do wake up and eventually fall asleep again, it happens again and again in the same night. Scary as fuck! I haven't experienced SP for probably over a year now (it'll happen for a week or so and then go away for a year or two).

Anybody else have similar experiences?
sleep paralysis thread
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      10-13-2009, 05:58 PM   #52
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Actually in korean culture, when you get sleep paralysis it's because there is a ghost or presense in the room haha and they say it's because they are sitting down on your soul, thus you can't move. Of course it's just an old saying =) but we all get that feeling like someone is there with you....
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      10-13-2009, 08:05 PM   #53
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I don't know about seeing ghosts. Had a few experiences where it could have been paranormal but nothing I can say for sure.

Sleep Paralysis on the other hand I used to experience frequently, almost regularly. In my sophmore year in college(somewhere around that time), I used to get SP a few times every week. Maybe it was due to my odd sleeping habbits, but at first it really scared the crap out of me. I felt like my mind was awake but my body was asleep. I can't talk, I think I could move my tongue though. I thought I could see, but not sure about that(in fact not sure if my eyes are open or closed most the time). I have many vivid recollections of SP where I envisioned my room differently than how it was set up. Sometimes I used to get hallucinations from SP as well, I remember one time it was like I was seeing music. Felt like I was diving deep into my mind. My friends used to come over my pad and chill while I napped sometimes and it was weird when my friend sits next to me and I was in SP and can't even get his attention. I haven't experienced SP for maybe 2 years now; I actually wouldn't mind SP if I had a bit more control over it. Key is not to freak out, cause the situation ain't going to get better being both immobile AND hysterical.
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      10-13-2009, 08:07 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Spec 1 View Post
My house in Seattle, WA was haunted. It was an old home, built in 1904. There were two floors plus a basement. I first noticed something off when lights kept turning off. I would leave a couple on upstairs and go down to the kitchen. When I returned all the light switches were off. Huh.... As time went on these things started happening more frequently. I would be in a room watching tv when WHAM! The door would shut (no crosswind or open windows). I would walk into the hall to see the bathroom sink on. The moment I finally said "Ok, this place has ghosts" is when I was upstairs in my bedroom. I walked out into the hall and my bedroom light shut off. Creepy, but at this point I was used to it. I walked down the stairs and as soon as I set foot on the ground floor the stairway light turned off. I walked into the dining room (light on) and as soon as I stood underneath the light.... off. Also things would clang to the ground upstairs when nobody was up there...

It was always very drafty in the house, cold, and windy. The ghost never seemed to be mean spirited, but it definitely was there. Too many things. The ghost never seemed to go in the basement, only the main floor and mostly upstairs.
That actually seems kind of cool. You don't need to turn off lights and stuff when leaving. It's like a clapper, but better cause it's sentient. :P
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