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      04-09-2022, 09:39 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Binford View Post
Sounds like you can have just as much fun as going to a random cars & coffee? or a random track day?
No, it is the all-round major upgrade to both. Lots of different car activities with a more dedicated group, and track days that have really incredible instruction as well as effective safety protocols, so you can count on driving the same car home. And it is less than $60. That's like a tank of gas these days.
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      04-10-2022, 07:54 AM   #24
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Member for over 15yrs but no longer. The membership is worth whatever you're willing to put in to it.
"Drive more, worry less. "

435i, MPPK, MPE, M-Sport Line
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      04-11-2022, 06:58 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by BMWCCA1 View Post
The Club has always said that "Chapters are the backbone of the Club". I suggest you get in touch with your local BMW CCA chapter and see if it doesn't offer something you find appealing, even if that's camaraderie of local BMW owners and perhaps invaluable experience of long-time BMW owners.

For you vintage guys, back when I was in charge, BMW CCA provided monetary support for events such as The Vintage in NC.

Not saying CCA is for everyone but there's usually some bright spot a BMW owner can find once you disregard the poor management and questionable policies. It is always the people and that's usually the local chapters. I come from a different perspective after about 45-years of membership and having been awarded Lifetime membership. Many of my friendships came about through meeting fellow Club members over the decades. It's really about the cars, and the people. You can always try it and see how it works out for you. It is not necessarily a lifetime commitment—but it can be!

I have no doubt that the club is a useful, maybe even valuable resource but in my over 25 years of BMW ownership, many cars, I've never heard it referenced nor received any material about membership. Maybe others will have a very different impression but for me It's like the club that doesn't want to be discovered. I haven't purchased a Porsche since 2007 and I still get frequent communication from the Porsche mothership as well as the Porsche Club.

I'll go look in to club membership but I've apparently missed the window for qualifying for the rebate which is very disappointing. It seems like if a buyer was willing to make a long term commitment to the club they would waive the time prerequisite. I plan to close on delivery at the end of May/early June. Is there anything that can be done at this point to qualify?
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      04-11-2022, 07:13 AM   #26
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Join the club just to meet other BMW enthusiasts and attend some drives and track events to strech the legs of your BMW. What is $50 a year? And if you happen to buy another BMW in the future, you will get your money back 5 fold in rebates... Win win
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      04-11-2022, 08:48 AM   #27

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Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
I have no doubt that the club is a useful, maybe even valuable resource but in my over 25 years of BMW ownership, many cars, I've never heard it referenced nor received any material about membership. Maybe others will have a very different impression but for me It's like the club that doesn't want to be discovered. I haven't purchased a Porsche since 2007 and I still get frequent communication from the Porsche mothership as well as the Porsche Club.

I'll go look in to club membership but I've apparently missed the window for qualifying for the rebate which is very disappointing. It seems like if a buyer was willing to make a long term commitment to the club they would waive the time prerequisite. I plan to close on delivery at the end of May/early June. Is there anything that can be done at this point to qualify?
I don't think you missed the window. You need to have a VIN established according to what I read this weekend, as well as submit a signed contract/title to BMW CCA. I am also taking delivery end of May/early June. I just think you don't get the rebate until after a year is up??? That is the way I understood it anyway.
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      04-11-2022, 08:50 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by IAm3 View Post
Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
I have no doubt that the club is a useful, maybe even valuable resource but in my over 25 years of BMW ownership, many cars, I've never heard it referenced nor received any material about membership. Maybe others will have a very different impression but for me It's like the club that doesn't want to be discovered. I haven't purchased a Porsche since 2007 and I still get frequent communication from the Porsche mothership as well as the Porsche Club.

I'll go look in to club membership but I've apparently missed the window for qualifying for the rebate which is very disappointing. It seems like if a buyer was willing to make a long term commitment to the club they would waive the time prerequisite. I plan to close on delivery at the end of May/early June. Is there anything that can be done at this point to qualify?
I don't think you missed the window. You need to have a VIN established according to what I read this weekend, and I am also taking delivery end of May/early June. I just think you don't get the rebate until after a year is up??? That is the way I understood it anyway.
I posted the requirement earlier I this thread. A 3 year membership reduces it to 6 months. Doesn't help me.
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      04-11-2022, 12:45 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by stevenc View Post
...What is $50 a year?...
A half tank of gas??
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      04-11-2022, 01:39 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
I have no doubt that the club is a useful, maybe even valuable resource but in my over 25 years of BMW ownership, many cars, I've never heard it referenced nor received any material about membership. Maybe others will have a very different impression but for me It's like the club that doesn't want to be discovered.
Every new BMW I've bought since 2006 has included info about the club with the delivery documentation. It's easy to miss among crap like tire warranty flyers, SiriusXM quick-start cards, and the other plethora of paper you get, but it's always been there for me.
'21 M2 Comp
'19 Golf R
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      04-11-2022, 01:44 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by KevinC View Post
Every new BMW I've bought since 2006 has included info about the club with the delivery documentation. It's easy to miss among crap like tire warranty flyers, SiriusXM quick-start cards, and the other plethora of paper you get, but it's always been there for me.
Odd then that when purchasing used from a dealer that info isn't included. I'm on my 3rd used 5 and none of the 3 dealers mentioned it.
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      04-11-2022, 10:56 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by ezaircon4jc View Post
Odd then that when purchasing used from a dealer that info isn't included. I'm on my 3rd used 5 and none of the 3 dealers mentioned it.
BMW CCA is the largest INDEPENDENT single-marque club in the world. At one time, BMW NA included a Club brochure and application in every new car, but no longer. If a local dealer is still doing this it is likely because someone there is involved and supports the local chapter. That bodes well for that dealership and that chapter. I don't see anything coming in the new cars from BMW NA.
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      04-12-2022, 06:04 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by BMWCCA1 View Post
BMW CCA is the largest INDEPENDENT single-marque club in the world. At one time, BMW NA included a Club brochure and application in every new car, but no longer. If a local dealer is still doing this it is likely because someone there is involved and supports the local chapter. That bodes well for that dealership and that chapter. I don't see anything coming in the new cars from BMW NA.
As I said, it's like the club does not want to be found out that it exists. Do they not get the mailing list of new owners to which they should be marketing the club? It seems like this is something that the club should be offering to the local chapters to help fuel their memberships. Or, maybe the club thinks it's doing to well that it doesn't care about attracting new members?

This is not a trick that is missed by the clubs of other sport manufacturers. Sorry if I'm ranting a bit but I would have happily been a member for the last 20 years if I'd known there was a local chapter doing fun things and that it came with this rebate feature.

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      04-12-2022, 08:16 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
As I said, it's like the club does not want to be found out that it exists. Do they not get the mailing list of new owners to which they should be marketing the club? It seems like this is something that the club should be offering to the local chapters to help fuel their memberships. Or, maybe the club thinks it's doing to well that it doesn't care about attracting new members?

This is not a trick that is missed by the clubs of other sport manufacturers. Sorry if I'm ranting a bit but I would have happily been a member for the last 20 years if I'd known there was a local chapter doing fun things and that it came with this rebate feature.

Again, BMWCCA is not a part of BMWAG or BMWNA. Other clubs you mention are either part of or supported by their manufacturers. Manufacturers don't just give their mailing list to anyone. Other than privacy concerns and authorization, why would they? BMW CCA is independent and (used to) often criticize BMW products, service, etc. Even if the list were available (DMV records), it is expensive to access it and that's why you usually only hear from after-market warranty scams.

In my days, we had Chapter Liaisons whose "job" it was to visit local dealerships and make sure they had a supply of membership materials on-hand in the store, parts, and service departments. Some dealers would often put a brochure in their cars, if they had a good relationship with their local chapter. Others think of the Club as a pain in the ass, or a thorn in their side. (Read just about any post here about dealerships and you'll see why.)

The Club relies on members to spread the word, some shared ads in other publications (remember publications?) and encourages members to leave membership brochures on BMWs they see. You used to be able to get a supply of brochures from the Club or at least your local chapter. Don't know about these days because I'm just not involved anymore.

How do you propose spreading the word in a way that is affordable to a not-for-profit member-owned club? What are you doing about it?
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      04-12-2022, 09:02 AM   #35
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Why wouldn't the manufacturer give its mailing list to the preeminent owner's club for the brand?

You mentioned what happened in the past - all good things to do. Perhaps a question would be does the club or the local chapters behave in a way that BMW would not want to be associated with? It should be in the interest of BMW to promote enthusiasm for its brand even if it's only to sell apparel and services.

What am I doing about it? I'll be providing the club this critical feed back in the spirit of it's what I'd want to hear if it was my club. I'll be contacting my local chapter to see if they have anything going on that I might be interested in attending. But I'll tell you this, if I'm willing to sign up for several years of membership in order to get a rebate on the X5 M50i I'll be picking up in early June and the rules exclude me then I'm to conclude that my several years of membership just isn't that important to them. Heck, I'd sign up for a lifetime membership if it was a net positive return at all on my new car purchase rebate.
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      04-12-2022, 09:27 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
Why wouldn't the manufacturer give its mailing list to the preeminent owner's club for the brand?

You mentioned what happened in the past - all good things to do. Perhaps a question would be does the club or the local chapters behave in a way that BMW would not want to be associated with? It should be in the interest of BMW to promote enthusiasm for its brand even if it's only to sell apparel and services.
Why wouldn't they? Privacy issues for their owners. Accountability. They can't control what the Club does, unlike Corvette owners club or HOG. And does it look like BMW is having a hard time selling what they make? And don't forget the cost to the Club to contact all BMW owners to maybe capture a tiny fraction that join clubs. We spent a large chunk of change getting approval from BMWNA for our flier to have them put in the glove box of every BMW at the VPC, and then print them, ship them, per BMW requirements. I don't remember the quantity we had to print for them to insert in the cars but it was not a cheap project from the Club's standpoint—decades ago when we last did it. Later it was replaced by a paper sheet listing BMW car and motorcycle club contact information. Just a white sheet with black text. I think BMWNA did that. Then nothing. Go ahead and inquire. Let us know what answers you get.
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      04-12-2022, 05:06 PM   #37

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I never got to use the rebate from them
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      04-13-2022, 07:07 PM   #38
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Rebate came into handy with a new X5 in 2019, otherwise it's whatever.
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      04-14-2022, 11:24 PM   #39
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Yes, its awesome. Check out their partner discounts. Also, there is a good community, track day invites, general help, and car and coffee etc… also the new car rebate makes it well worth it.
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      04-15-2022, 07:00 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by BMWCCA1 View Post
Go ahead and inquire. Let us know what answers you get.
First step, I purchased a 3 year membership in the National Chapter. Now I'll see whether it's worth or not. As a young retired guy, I'm very engaged in other volunteer organizations and look forward to discovering more about BMWCCA.
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      04-15-2022, 09:33 AM   #41
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^ Nice. Go to your local BMW CCA cars and coffee event, meet the people and then go on a couple drives. Welcome.
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      04-15-2022, 12:29 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
First step, I purchased a 3 year membership in the National Chapter. Now I'll see whether it's worth or not. As a young retired guy, I'm very engaged in other volunteer organizations and look forward to discovering more about BMWCCA.
There's a new X Chapter. Good group of people. I know a bunch of them from years ago from another forum. Just tell Baron I sent you.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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      04-15-2022, 09:33 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by cmyx6go View Post
There's a new X Chapter. Good group of people. I know a bunch of them from years ago from another forum. Just tell Baron I sent you.
I saw that when I signed up but wasn't sure what it was or if it was more of an "at large" chapter than regional. Where's it based?
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      04-16-2022, 09:23 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by PittsDriver View Post
I saw that when I signed up but wasn't sure what it was or if it was more of an "at large" chapter than regional. Where's it based?
SC. Greer, I think.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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