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      08-05-2007, 11:47 PM   #23
z4um Hooligan
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Originally Posted by Dammmittt View Post
How can you have a fair competition when certain players are doing illegal things to get ahead. Have you even played sports?
No I've never played sports in my life. I was just offered a full ride on a track scholarship when I was starting college (which I turned down) and then invited to join the Jamaican olympic track team my sophmore year of college (which I also turned down). But it's ok to assume I've never played sports because I don't fall head over heals for professional sports.

You can't be serious that professional sports can be considered a level field even without drugs. The deep pockets of some of these teams makes competition a joke. Players play for the money and not for the love of the sport. I rather poke my eye out with a wooden spoon than watch grown adults whine about pro sports. You're wasting your time and money complaining about the performance of millionaires. I'm sure they enrich your life to the point you must get upset and defensive over this topic.
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      08-05-2007, 11:54 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post

Would you throw away $1,000,000 if it just landed in your lap? Even if it was given to you by your most hated opponent? I thought not.

Even the fuckn stubs are going for 150$
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      08-06-2007, 12:03 AM   #25

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I watched the game last night. I guess it feels cool to watch part of history, but it doesn't really matter that Bonds is tied and is going to pass Hank for the record because at the pace that A-Rod is going, he is going to have the HR record in 5 years or so. Part of me is saying that Bond's chase for Hank's record isn't as special to me as it would be just because of the amount of speculation around him. In the end, I still think Bond's is a great player, a-hole or not, and he still belongs in the Hall of Fame.
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      08-06-2007, 12:03 AM   #26
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Then go find a wooden spoon, If you paypal me the shipping I'll send you one so you can poke your eye out. It's a topic, just like anything else in life. People may not agree on something and that is fine. The fact of the matter is that we are talking about something and if you don't want to participate.....DON'T. Kick Rocks!!!

BTW, there are plenty of people who play professional sports who play out of pure love of the game. Some that come to mind - Paul LoDuca, Russell Martin. Also, Payroll is not by any means a determinate factor in a championship team. There is a long list of teams that have overcome the $$$ factor to become Champs....

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      08-06-2007, 12:15 AM   #27
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I love the "he never tested positive excuse" There are only two ways a full grown adult's head can increase in size. One is from some crazy disease that Barry doesn't have, or HGH (human growth hormones) Barry Bonds hat size increased multiple sizes while in SF. Also, MLB doesn't test for HGH, so he couldn't test positive.

As far as the record, being from Milwaukee it hurts to see him break it. When they tore down County Stadium to build Miller Park they put up a little monument thing on the exact spot where 755 landed. It's pretty cool, knowing he did that in my hometown. I hate Barry Bonds, and he will get what he deserves, eventualy. It might be a small victory, but there's a good chance he wont get into the Hall Of Fame.

Either way, ARod will hit 800, and Prince Fielder will hit 850 :rocks:
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      08-06-2007, 12:25 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by 561design View Post
No I've never played sports in my life. I was just offered a full ride on a track scholarship when I was starting college (which I turned down) and then invited to join the Jamaican olympic track team my sophmore year of college (which I also turned down). But it's ok to assume I've never played sports because I don't fall head over heals for professional sports.

You can't be serious that professional sports can be considered a level field even without drugs. The deep pockets of some of these teams makes competition a joke. Players play for the money and not for the love of the sport. I rather poke my eye out with a wooden spoon than watch grown adults whine about pro sports. You're wasting your time and money complaining about the performance of millionaires. I'm sure they enrich your life to the point you must get upset and defensive over this topic.
Running's not a sport, pansy.. j/k

Baseball doesn't have a level playing field because of the lack of a salary cap. Every other major sport does, so you cant make a blanket statement like that.

Also, 99% of pro athletes play sports because they love to do it. It's the 1% that get the media coverage, and are the reason some people think they are spoiled. They are involved in a multi billion dollar industry, that money has to go somewhere. I'd rather see the athletes get a majority of it compared to everyone else who has their hand out. They are the ones doing the work, they deserved to get paid. You hear pro athletes say all the time how lucky they are to be playing a kid's game for millions of dollars.

In sports you have to be cocky, you have to believe you are better than everyone else. To be the best, you have to believe your the best, sometimes this carries over off the field/court. The same thing is true with most professions.
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      08-06-2007, 03:19 AM   #29
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barry bonds =
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      08-06-2007, 10:44 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Cadillac Johnson View Post
In sports you have to be cocky, you have to believe you are better than everyone else. To be the best, you have to believe your the best, sometimes this carries over off the field/court. The same thing is true with most professions.

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      08-06-2007, 12:24 PM   #31
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      08-06-2007, 03:29 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by bkms1 View Post
why didnt the guy holding the asterisk tell his buddy throw the ball back. Most of these fans are full of shit
Even though I hate Barry Bonds, if i caught the ball, there is NO way that I am throwing the ball back. Thats like being given the keys to a new M3 and not accepting it

And I heard somewhere that the 755 ball will be only worth low six figures around 100,000 or so...
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      08-06-2007, 08:08 PM   #33
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Glad he didn't do it at Dodger's Stadium. But I did enjoy watching everyone taking pictures at every pitch.
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      08-06-2007, 08:10 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by BeeEmDubU View Post
Even though I hate Barry Bonds, if i caught the ball, there is NO way that I am throwing the ball back. Thats like being given the keys to a new M3 and not accepting it

And I heard somewhere that the 755 ball will be only worth low six figures around 100,000 or so...

It's like being given a keys to a new M3 + another $420,000 and not accepting it.

They said on the news that the ball is expected to be worth about $500,000. Talk about a boatload of money.
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      08-06-2007, 09:20 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by cgnahc View Post
Glad he didn't do it at Dodger's Stadium. But I did enjoy watching everyone taking pictures at every pitch.

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      08-06-2007, 10:16 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by 561design View Post
No I've never played sports in my life. I was just offered a full ride on a track scholarship when I was starting college (which I turned down) and then invited to join the Jamaican olympic track team my sophmore year of college (which I also turned down). But it's ok to assume I've never played sports because I don't fall head over heals for professional sports.

You can't be serious that professional sports can be considered a level field even without drugs. The deep pockets of some of these teams makes competition a joke. Players play for the money and not for the love of the sport. I rather poke my eye out with a wooden spoon than watch grown adults whine about pro sports. You're wasting your time and money complaining about the performance of millionaires. I'm sure they enrich your life to the point you must get upset and defensive over this topic.
I guess part of the problme here is that we're talking about baseball, and your right its hard to keep it "competetive" with the lack of a salary cap, but you can't say that all atheletes play for money. Sure most do, and yes they piss me off just as much as anyone else.

Back on topic, this is an individual record we're talking about. As someone who can obviously compete on some level (although not college and the olympics ) How much does it piss you off when you here about all the friggin drug accusations for track stars and people putting track records into doubt due to the influence of drugs. How can a race be fair if one athlete uses performance enhancing drugs and the rest don't?

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      08-06-2007, 10:33 PM   #37
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it's not....

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      08-07-2007, 12:02 AM   #38
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For the record, I agree that there are reasons to be suspicious of Bonds--the overall increase in bodily size, especially his head, would not usually be expected from someone his age. With that said....

I was actually rooting for him to do it--he's been a hell of a player his whole career, both before and after the allegations of performance enhancing drugs began. He plays in a ballpark that is pretty hard to hit homers in as well, especially for lefties. You cannot inject bat speed, reaction time, or his unbelievable hand-eye coordination. He belongs in the HOF, regardless, IMO.

And, as a previous poster noted, he has never tested positive for anything. Everything we "know" about his alleged use of these substances came from LEAKED grand jury testimony. No lab results. No test results. I hope none of you guys are ever on a jury where I have been accused of something--you are only looking at one side of the story, which has been glorified to a certain viewpoint by the media for years now. NONE of us know the whole story.

In addition, even IF he did use some sort of enhancement, baseball itself deserves much of the blame for not having an effective testing arrangement in place. The '98 home run chase between Sosa and McGwire saved baseball--it really did. Attendance was at an all time low following the strike-shortened '94 season, and it was obvious that they just didn't give a shit. Even with the surge in power related stats, the size of players increasing rapidly, and the whispers of steroid use becoming louder and louder--baseball did nothing. The business and future of baseball was simply more important.

Along those same lines--who are we to define cheating? Its hard to break a rule that doesn't exist.....are we now going to examine those pitchers of the past who were accused of "doctoring" the ball? What about supplements? Protein shakes? Nutritional experts? Where do you draw the line? What IS cheating, exactly? Should we put an * next to their names, next to all who tried to gain an advantage? I don't think so. His final total will be remembered as it should be--as a result of the power-bloated era that the '90's to the present has become.

And A-Rod WILL hit 800. Prince Fielder won't hit 500.
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      08-07-2007, 09:47 AM   #39

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Originally Posted by dmboone25 View Post
For the record, I agree that there are reasons to be suspicious of Bonds--the overall increase in bodily size, especially his head, would not usually be expected from someone his age. With that said....

I was actually rooting for him to do it--he's been a hell of a player his whole career, both before and after the allegations of performance enhancing drugs began. He plays in a ballpark that is pretty hard to hit homers in as well, especially for lefties. You cannot inject bat speed, reaction time, or his unbelievable hand-eye coordination. He belongs in the HOF, regardless, IMO.

And, as a previous poster noted, he has never tested positive for anything. Everything we "know" about his alleged use of these substances came from LEAKED grand jury testimony. No lab results. No test results. I hope none of you guys are ever on a jury where I have been accused of something--you are only looking at one side of the story, which has been glorified to a certain viewpoint by the media for years now. NONE of us know the whole story.

In addition, even IF he did use some sort of enhancement, baseball itself deserves much of the blame for not having an effective testing arrangement in place. The '98 home run chase between Sosa and McGwire saved baseball--it really did. Attendance was at an all time low following the strike-shortened '94 season, and it was obvious that they just didn't give a shit. Even with the surge in power related stats, the size of players increasing rapidly, and the whispers of steroid use becoming louder and louder--baseball did nothing. The business and future of baseball was simply more important.

Along those same lines--who are we to define cheating? Its hard to break a rule that doesn't exist.....are we now going to examine those pitchers of the past who were accused of "doctoring" the ball? What about supplements? Protein shakes? Nutritional experts? Where do you draw the line? What IS cheating, exactly? Should we put an * next to their names, next to all who tried to gain an advantage? I don't think so. His final total will be remembered as it should be--as a result of the power-bloated era that the '90's to the present has become.

And A-Rod WILL hit 800. Prince Fielder won't hit 500.

great post. i fully agree with you.

i think the reason baseball doesn't test for steroids is that they NEED players doing roids and hitting HRs to keep attendence up. these days its not about pitching - its about high powered offenses that hit alot of balls out of the park. not surprising, since pitchers duels seem "boring" to your average fan who doesnt know crap about the game. this is exactly the type of person MLB wants to attract. people who don't know crap about the game.

that being said, i can't really hold anything against Bonds, cuz its my belief that at least 25-30% of major leaguers do roids. possibly even higher. Bonds just has better hand eye coordination and an uncanny talent for hitting.

these days, its not a big deal, several people have chances to break the record, including Arod, Pujols, Cabrera on the Marlins. its only going to get worse and worse as time goes on. Bonds will be forgotten one day and the MLB will be defined by all these people chasing the new HR record. ill be surprised when we see another pitcher chasing 300 wins.
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      08-07-2007, 10:04 AM   #40
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Can't stand Bonds. When I was a kid I was a big Pirates fan and went to see them play the Reds in Cinncy. I was about 9 years old, stood outside the hotel where the players were staying for hours to get his autograph. Porsche 911 pulls up with him and another guy in it, NOBODY else was around besides me and the prick told me to leave me alone and wouldn't sign my autograph. I could understand if a guy doesn't want to sign hundreds of autographs, but a kid decked out in Pirates gear waiting by himself should have been a gimme. Ever since then I hate him and wish him the worst. Worst attitude and personality in the game.
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      08-07-2007, 10:36 AM   #41
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      08-07-2007, 12:09 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by herbz View Post
great post. i fully agree with you.

i think the reason baseball doesn't test for steroids is that they NEED players doing roids and hitting HRs to keep attendence up. these days its not about pitching - its about high powered offenses that hit alot of balls out of the park. not surprising, since pitchers duels seem "boring" to your average fan who doesnt know crap about the game. this is exactly the type of person MLB wants to attract. people who don't know crap about the game.

that being said, i can't really hold anything against Bonds, cuz its my belief that at least 25-30% of major leaguers do roids. possibly even higher. Bonds just has better hand eye coordination and an uncanny talent for hitting.

these days, its not a big deal, several people have chances to break the record, including Arod, Pujols, Cabrera on the Marlins. its only going to get worse and worse as time goes on. Bonds will be forgotten one day and the MLB will be defined by all these people chasing the new HR record. ill be surprised when we see another pitcher chasing 300 wins.
I agree with you too--it might even be a higher % than 25-30. My guess is that MANY pitchers use this kind of stuff, to help their recovery time, as well as lengthen their careers.

Originally Posted by phantom330 View Post
Can't stand Bonds. When I was a kid I was a big Pirates fan and went to see them play the Reds in Cinncy. I was about 9 years old, stood outside the hotel where the players were staying for hours to get his autograph. Porsche 911 pulls up with him and another guy in it, NOBODY else was around besides me and the prick told me to leave me alone and wouldn't sign my autograph. I could understand if a guy doesn't want to sign hundreds of autographs, but a kid decked out in Pirates gear waiting by himself should have been a gimme. Ever since then I hate him and wish him the worst. Worst attitude and personality in the game.
It sucks that some professional athletes have to act that way--but it's like Charles Barkley said a long time ago--"I'm not a role model". If these guys don't want to do something, they're just not going to do it. And I think that the public perception of this entire situation would be different if Bonds did not present himself the way he does--he often appears to be cocky, arrogant, even bored at times. I just can't "convict" him based on his crappy attitude and circumstantial evidence alone.

It sucks he seems to be a jerk--he could have been a great ambassador of the game. My dad tells me that Bonds' father NEVER came off the way Barry does. Its just too bad.
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      08-07-2007, 08:29 PM   #43
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Just to correct a couple things.

MLB does test for steroids, they do not test for HGH.

Bonds couldn't test positive for HGH because of that reason. Also Balco designed steroids and HGH that couldn't be picked up with the testing MLB was doing.

People just dont grow in size like that, people's heads dont just increase multiple cap sizes for no reason. Bonds teammates in SF have said how when they saw him with his shirt off his back was full of zits. Stuff like that doesn't happen without some outside influence.

O.J. was never found guilty, but we all know the truth.

Bonds may never be found guilty, but we all know the truth.

Oh, and Prince WILL hit 850.
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      08-07-2007, 10:02 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Cadillac Johnson View Post
Oh, and Prince WILL hit 850.
Hit might eat that many twinkies....

How's the Brew-crew doing these days? Chokers!!!

And you're right--they do test for steriods NOW--but that has not always been the case. The first policy they wanted to initiate was a joke--5 games lost for first offense, 10 for the second, etc.

It wasn't until Bud (your boy from Milwaukee ) looked like a complete ass in front of Congress that a respectable plan was put into place. It was obvious the business interests were more important.

And like I said in my longer post--people who say, well we know he did it, without REAL evidence, I don't want them on any jury that holds my fate.
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