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      05-04-2010, 02:50 PM   #1
Mega Man
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Super Street Fighter IV

It's much better than Street Fighter IV. The characters feel a little more balanced, and the inputs are more forgiving (example: Guile's Double Flash Kick; DB-->DF-->DB-->UF+Kick, is easier to pull off for some reason than in Street Fighter IV).

The new characters (new ones to the game, not just the new ones to the series) are a nice addition, but I was hoping for Elena as well. I could've sworn I saw her previewed for this game before it came out.

I'm thinking about maining Dhalsim. I'm doing OK with him, and I haven't run into any other Dhalsim players yet. I've even gotten some compliments after matches such as, "Best Dhalsim Player Ever!" I did get one, "F*CK YOU!" comment, after beating a Ryu player who got mad because I jumped back just as he did Metsu Ha Dou Ken, and did Yoga Shanga-ria which resulted in an Ultra Counter to his Ultra.

However, I can't seem to get any good Combos with Dhalsim, only pokes, counters, and anti-air harrassment (really takes the fun out of the game for most airborne combo'ers).

Juri (the new character), hasn't been seen much online either. I've used her a few times and she is really quick and has decent stamina (amount of HP). Seems to be lacking in variety of combos though. Her airborne attack (forget what it's called, but it's D,DB,B+Kick) is fast, and it's EX version can juggle, even into Ultra/Super. She has decent pokes (thanks to her speed), but I just can't find any variety to her combos. Her kick fireball is kind of cool. The kick itself will extinguish a fireball if you time it right. Then you can hold kick, releasing it when you want to actually fire off a fireball of your own. You can do this with all 3 kicks to store 3 fireballs. Light shoots low, Medium shoots middle, and Hard shoots at an upward angle. I wouldn't mind maining her either, except I can't figure out any combos beyond jumping attack, crouching/standing hit, to senpusha.

If you didn't pick up Street Fighter IV, I'd recommend Super Street Fighter IV (only $39.99, less in some areas). It's a good game for $20 less than most PS3/XBox360 games.
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      05-08-2010, 01:52 AM   #2
Mega Man
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2009 135i  [0.00]
I just got my "Tenpeat" Trophy/Achievement!

You have no idea how hard/lucky this was for me! You have to win 10 ranked matches in a row. I had gotten my first 3 pretty easily for "Threepeat," then even made it to "Fivepeat." I would play a game or two online, then try out the "Trials for a while. I looked at the stuff in options menu and found a replay viewer (pressing select lets you see who won/lost). I noticed that I won my last 9 games. I thought, do I even try to go for 10, or will I just mess it up...I decided what the heck, just go for it.

I'm playing as Juri (right), my opponent is Sagat (left).

Things I noticed:
Dive Kick if hitting low enough is safe even if opponent blocks (just don't follow up with the other 3 kicks).
You can dash with Juri under high Tiger Shot (can any other character do that?).
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