01-07-2010, 07:52 PM | #26 |
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01-07-2010, 10:13 PM | #27 |
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yeah...not too many lethal car crashes at 5 mph while smoking week...and weed smokers never get "beer muscles" and get into stupid fights
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01-07-2010, 10:48 PM | #28 |
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I'm sure a lawyer or someone who's an expert in narcotics or in law enforcement knows better. I always thought that it wasn't illegal to be high, or suffer from the after effects or side effects of being high. It was however illegal to sell, buy, distribute without a prescription, and posses the drugs. Now if you are admitted to a hospital on an acid trip after getting caught running down the street naked, I think the authorities may have some questions for you, but I'm not positive that can result in a possession charge.
Interesting tidbit of trivia. Cocaine, ecstasy, and even the Adderral that psychiatrists are pumping into our children are schedule II medications according the the Controlled substances act. Meaning they are known to have a high potential for addiction and abuse without supervision but still retain medical uses. But Marijuana is a schedule 1, which is the highest classification possible. I think the only distinction is that there is no accepted medical benefit from anything in the Schedule 1 class. But if you look at the list of schedule 1 meds, Marijuana looks rather out of place imo. As it also contains THG, Heroin, Mescaline, and LSD. (Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Substances_Act) -BMW2006 |
01-07-2010, 11:17 PM | #29 |
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^^ ecstasy is pretty low on the list
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01-07-2010, 11:59 PM | #30 | |
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01-08-2010, 12:04 AM | #31 |
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The partents take the kids to the psychiatrist becuase the kids don't behave...the parents ask for drugs to "fix" the kid...the doctor gives the drugs that "fix" the kid...
The doctor cannot fix bad parenting...if you don't want your kids on ADD drugs...then don't take you kid to the doctor complaining that your kid doesn't behave and request drugs... Speaking as the father of 3 boys ages 6, 6 and 9...i am very familar with how "spirited" some boys can be...
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01-08-2010, 05:03 AM | #32 | |
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Yeah, I didn't mean for that to sound like I was blaming the Dr.s that much. or the manufacturers for that matter. These meds are created for a specific reason, and under supervision of a Dr. can help people quite a bit. You are correct, I meant "Adderall that parents keep asking them to pump into our kids." -BMW2006 |
01-08-2010, 11:27 AM | #33 | |
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01-08-2010, 02:45 PM | #34 | |
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uhh, that is why drug addiction should be treated as a medical condition, not a criminal one. We should help people get off drugs and not throw them in jail. |
01-10-2010, 02:15 PM | #35 |
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Both of those aren't really caused by the drug its self, yes E does raise your body temp but getting it up to 106 and 107 is usualy because of where the user is (packed in a small room with 500 ppl) and hyponatriema is from drinking too much water. If you do it under normal conditions and dont drink bottle after bottle you'll be fine.
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01-10-2010, 06:47 PM | #36 | |
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you've got this all wrong. you can't be charged with a crime for being 'high' in this county. check the laws. |
01-10-2010, 11:17 PM | #37 | |
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This is cut/paste from uptodate.com...a peer reviewed pay subscription site that many physicians use as a reference... CLINICAL FEATURES — MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) increases alertness, reduces fatigue, and leads to feelings of increased physical and mental powers, and euphoria. Users typically begin to experience the desired effects of MDMA approximately one hour following oral administration [7]. Minor adverse reactions such as agitation, nausea, bruxism (grinding teeth), ataxia, diaphoresis, blurry vision, tachycardia, and hypertension can also occur at typical MDMA doses. These effects are usually self-limited and resolve within hours [11]. More serious effects are uncommon and described below. Vital signs — MDMA can cause hypertension, tachycardia, and hyperthermia. Cardiovascular stimulation — Life-threatening increases in heart rate and blood pressure may occur. Cardiovascular toxicity can include hypertensive emergencies, intracranial hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, and dysrhythmia [12-18]. Hyperthermia and related effects — Hyperthermia may result from drug effects on the central nervous system (CNS), prolonged physical exertion (eg, dancing all night at a "rave"), and environmental conditions (eg, dancing in a densely populated, hot room). Both the stimulant effect of amphetamines and serotonin syndrome may contribute to severe hyperthermia in these patients [16,19]. Hyperthermia can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation and rhabdomyolysis. (See 'Hyperthermia' below.) Manifestations of hyponatremia — MDMA use can lead to hyponatremia due to a marked increase in fluid intake and, in some patients, persistent secretion of antidiuretic hormone that slows the rate of water excretion [20-24]. Some MDMA users believe they can avoid hyperthermia by drinking large amounts of water. Marked and often acute reductions in serum sodium can lead to serious neurologic manifestations including confusion, seizures, cerebral edema, cerebral herniation, and death [20,23]. The serum sodium in such patients is usually below 120 meq/L. Young women appear to be at increased risk for both symptomatic hyponatremia and residual neurologic injury [23]. (See "Manifestations of hyponatremia and hypernatremia", section on 'Susceptibility of premenopausal women'.) Neurologic — Stimulation of the CNS is common and can manifest as agitation, hyperactivity, anxiety, and even delirium [19]. Seizures and status epilepticus can occur. Psychomotor agitation may be associated with hyperthermia as well as rhabdomyolysis. Serotonin syndrome findings — Serotonin syndrome is a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by the triad of autonomic dysfunction, abnormal neuromuscular activity, and altered mental status. MDMA use can cause serotonin syndrome, presumably via stimulation of massive serotonin release. Individuals who use MDMA in combination with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), or other drugs that increase 5-HT1A receptor activity (such as meperidine, tryptophan, or lithium) are at greater risk of developing serotonin syndrome [25-28]. (See "Serotonin syndrome".)
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01-11-2010, 02:33 AM | #38 |
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^^ ok that clearly states that hyperthermia is a result of the environment, I didnt say mdma doesnt elevate body temp but to get it up to anything dangerous, you'll need more than just mdma. (hot room.. lots of dancing)
go to "negative" and read right next too hyponatremia. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_effects.shtml Im also not making my comments based on what I've read but from expierence. If the user fully understands the effects mdma has on the human body and mind than he/she will be fine. Im not saying mdma is good for you, just not nearly as bad as most people think.
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01-11-2010, 04:12 PM | #40 | |
this chick >
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It will be a never ending battle but you can keep it in check for certain periods of time. In rehab they drill in you brain, 'once an addict, always an addict' but I think that is BS and just messes with peoples self confidence. I have never done coke, but was addicted and dependant on oxycontin. Was not fun at all to try to get off but after you overcome it...much so worth it! |
01-11-2010, 09:49 PM | #41 | |
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Understand...I have multiple posts supporting the decriminalization of drugs... However...don't pretend that "E" is safe and that you are smart enough to use safely... While I am providing these references...my experience is one of TREATING users... Please note the BOLD...these are direct effects of the drugs... Hyperthermia and related effects — Hyperthermia may result from drug effects on the central nervous system (CNS), prolonged physical exertion (eg, dancing all night at a "rave"), and environmental conditions (eg, dancing in a densely populated, hot room). Both the stimulant effect of amphetamines and serotonin syndrome may contribute to severe hyperthermia in these patients [16,19]. Hyperthermia can lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation and rhabdomyolysis. (See 'Hyperthermia' below Manifestations of hyponatremia — MDMA use can lead to hyponatremia due to a marked increase in fluid intake and, in some patients, persistent secretion of antidiuretic hormone that slows the rate of water excretion [20-24]. Some MDMA users believe they can avoid hyperthermia by drinking large amounts of water Party safe... ![]()
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01-12-2010, 02:57 AM | #43 | |
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01-12-2010, 04:30 AM | #44 |
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two of my best friends have started using coke since college. one of em's a fucking idiot now. then again, he's stupid when it comes to illegal substances, but i think he's ruining his life. he's smart and belongs to a rich family but he's a fucking chode when i see him on his coke highs. he tried choking me after crying and saying we're best friends (i've known him since pre-K) when i said i was driving him home b/c he wasn't fit to drive.
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