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      02-03-2007, 09:31 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by ski360 View Post
Oh yeah, and BTW your duty means absolutely nothing to me or anyone one else here. Come to think of it must not have meant a lot to you either or you would still be in the country you fought for.....oh wait you left and came to MY country so guess what, before you open your mouth which only spews
Just when you think there is a smart realize -- a robot needs to be programmed -- no clear thinking.

How about I left because I did not agree with that war over there and with the leadership in my birth country??? How about I had guts to jump the fense at the age of 19 and leave all of my friends and family 6000 miles away because I thought I could have a brighter future???

You, on the other hand, are just a machine. If someone (GW, Clinton...whatever you said) orders you, you do it without questioning the validity of it. I guess, we're all different.

As for knowing things and reality, I may not know much of the exact things happening in Iraq, although I have friends daily going over there and coming back and friends serving in Afghanistan. However, I understan politics 10x better than you will, and this war is all about it oil, call it democracy, call it the WMD...politics...

You give back to this land and to your family this way -- and I am sure you're doing a damn fine job. I chose to provide for my family different way. In the end, I may be winning a different war...lets call it a tech war against some other superpowers...
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      02-03-2007, 09:52 PM   #24
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heres another movie that I found...


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      02-04-2007, 02:25 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by dr325i View Post

You, on the other hand, are just a machine. If someone (GW, Clinton...whatever you said) orders you, you do it without questioning the validity of it. I guess, we're all different.
You call it being a machine however There are over a million of us that call it loyalty and dedication to a country that we love. Hundreds of thousand of men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice. Its called SELFLESS SERVICE. As for what you did and "jumped the fence" because you question the validity of the orders of those appointed over you. Well good job. We have people like that too, they usually end up in jail because we call them cowards, traitors, deserters.

I'm not saying what ever war you we're in wasn't worth it for all i know you were part of the North Korean Army, i'm just saying our military can not work if subordinates question orders. There isn't any room for it, and thats how people get killed so when you call me a machine because of the values that I have well...

BTW its funny how every time you post you seem to piss someone else off. Keep up the good work!
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      02-04-2007, 06:23 AM   #26
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First of all, I mean no disrespect to anyone... specially not to all who are serving in our military and making the ultimate sacrifice for our country... My hat is trully off to all of you...

However, this is one of the main reasons why I didn't join... the "unconditional service" that our serviceman/woman have to do... I don't know if I could've live with it. I know that we're supposed to trust our goverment leaders to do the right thing. But personallly, if I were to sacrifice my life for something, I darn wanted to make sure that I am in control and that I'm really sacrificing it for the right reasons... reasons that I believe in and could sleep with... The military doesn't work like this... it couldn't and it shouldn't...

That's why again... my hat is truly off to all of our serviceman/woman....

Last edited by im0y; 02-04-2007 at 07:37 AM..
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      02-04-2007, 06:47 AM   #27
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ok then

i do hate that enter key

Last edited by mike138; 02-04-2007 at 08:47 AM.. Reason: good
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      02-04-2007, 07:30 AM   #28
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mike I've never badmouth or despise our military... ever.... I have no reason to You all are doing your job and I have nothing but respect to anyone who joins and chooses a career in the military...
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      02-04-2007, 10:27 AM   #29
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Like everything, there are two sides toevery story. For all we know, that first Hmvee video is the result of that other ambush video that they are escaping from. We don't know what events led to this guy driving like that. We DO know that they are targets and need to take precautions.
The video with the tank is just stupid. Those guys should be court marshalled. Definately not the way to do some PR.
Having served in the military for 8 years in the past, I can tell you that I met some great people there and made amazing friends. I also met some not so great people there. It's like every other society. For the most part these are good people in a bad situation.
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      02-04-2007, 11:43 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by slammedbimmer View Post
You said you did your duty somewhere else but yet you call us robots. So what youre saying is that when you did your time, you were not a "machine".
What this means is that your a coward that defied the orders given to you and deserted your own country! So how can you move to MY country and critisize our Military on its own actions when you ar a failure to your own land? Damn, i can only imagine the shame you must feel everytime you look into the mirror!!!! I can only imagine the shame your family feels for you as well, knowing you let them down. I pitty them every time they miss you because you fled to the USA because of your shame!

and one other thing: You brag because you had the guts to flee your land at 19. seriously, what you meant to say was:
I fled my country and left my friends and family behind only to miss the coward son they were sorry they had. The son who brought shame and discredit upon them. Dude, you should just stop now because your diggin yourself deeper in everytime you type! You have a brighter future because of the leaders and Military of THIS country, dipshit! So what country are you from anyways, coward?
Again dude...don't you know any other words???
Actually, again shows your brain capacity up there.
You may think that disagreeing with the system and what they do (against the majority of the population) is a coward act. I do believe it is opposite to stand against them when they prosecuted people for that.

The only reason I have better future here that you will ever had dumbass, is because of me, not you, not the military nor the leaders. Such a stupid way of thinking... I remember, we thought the same under the communist regime in the 70's.

Anyways, it is pointless discussing this any further with someone with the brain size of my dog...
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      02-04-2007, 11:45 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by ga-bmwdrvr View Post
Like everything, there are two sides toevery story. For all we know, that first Hmvee video is the result of that other ambush video that they are escaping from. We don't know what events led to this guy driving like that. We DO know that they are targets and need to take precautions.
The video with the tank is just stupid. Those guys should be court marshalled. Definately not the way to do some PR.
Having served in the military for 8 years in the past, I can tell you that I met some great people there and made amazing friends. I also met some not so great people there. It's like every other society. For the most part these are good people in a bad situation.
100% agreed.
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      02-04-2007, 12:02 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by ski360 View Post
You call it being a machine however There are over a million of us that call it loyalty and dedication to a country that we love. Hundreds of thousand of men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice. Its called SELFLESS SERVICE. As for what you did and "jumped the fence" because you question the validity of the orders of those appointed over you. Well good job. We have people like that too, they usually end up in jail because we call them cowards, traitors, deserters.

I'm not saying what ever war you we're in wasn't worth it for all i know you were part of the North Korean Army, i'm just saying our military can not work if subordinates question orders. There isn't any room for it, and thats how people get killed so when you call me a machine because of the values that I have well...

BTW its funny how every time you post you seem to piss someone else off. Keep up the good work!

Actually, I do agree with you on the structure of the this case. However, the "machine" comment is not about you obeying the rules, but your opinions. Even though you do your job and must follow the rules, you're (fortunately) entitled to form your opinion and question the orders. I receive the guidance from my bosses, and I do it, like it or not, but I have my honest opinions about them. Accepting that this war in Iraq is great thing for us and that we're going great over there just because the leader said so is pretty...automatic response.

Again, joining the military may have been a great sacrifise for a percentage of you that did it, but the majority joined because they had to -- college, no other way... Just drive through the rich areas of the country and then through the small poorer cities and you can see my point. I don't think you would see many Army signs at Beverly Hills, but I have seen one every 500 ft at Daniels, WV this Christmas break... Hence my point -- some of you joined for the love to this country, most of you did it just as regular jobs...

As for pissing someone off in the "Political" forums here...actually, there is about 5 or 6 of you that react that way...other 800 people do not. Kind of the response in the real politics life nowdays...

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      02-04-2007, 12:05 PM   #33
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BTW, I think this one has turned into the political discussion and should be moved over there?
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      02-04-2007, 12:14 PM   #34
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looks like fun!!
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      02-04-2007, 12:40 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by joebaggg View Post
looks like fun!!
always fun to me
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      02-04-2007, 01:05 PM   #36
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      02-04-2007, 01:50 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by dr325i View Post
always fun to me
looks like it

i do hate that enter key
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      02-04-2007, 04:28 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by slammedbimmer View Post
Read the sentance in Bold print carefully. After writing something like this that makes NO sense, he calls ME a dumbass! I think we should all be nicer to this undereducated coward. with every post he types, im feeling more and more sorry for him.
You keep proving my point, post after post...
If the typing, spelling and grammar tells you about the success and brains of a person, then...I honestly feel sorry for you.

As for undereducated...hmmm...we could discuss that if youwish

Finally, as for the coward part -- I see people dying over there, how come you're constantly on the internet answering this post??? How come you're driving a Bimmer? Shouldn't you be protecting the freedom and democracy somewhere instead of sitting infront of the monitor??? Man, are they wasting my taxpayer's money sometimes...
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      02-04-2007, 05:09 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by dr325i View Post
You keep proving my point, post after post...
If the typing, spelling and grammar tells you about the success and brains of a person, then...I honestly feel sorry for you.

As for undereducated...hmmm...we could discuss that if youwish

Finally, as for the coward part -- I see people dying over there, how come you're constantly on the internet answering this post??? How come you're driving a Bimmer? Shouldn't you be protecting the freedom and democracy somewhere instead of sitting infront of the monitor??? Man, are they wasting my taxpayer's money sometimes...
Stop talking, Don't talk about protecting anything, You know nothing of it. Your freedom rest on the blood and sweat of my brothers in arms. To hear you talk of wasting tax payers money because he owns a nice car and is at home on a Sunday night objecting to the that stems from your keyboard deserves nothing less then The point everyone is trying to prove on here is your a dick. Thats leave alone and just end it.
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      02-04-2007, 05:46 PM   #40
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i do hate that enter key
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      02-04-2007, 07:11 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ski360 View Post
Stop talking, Don't talk about protecting anything, You know nothing of it. Your freedom rest on the blood and sweat of my brothers in arms. To hear you talk of wasting tax payers money because he owns a nice car and is at home on a Sunday night objecting to the that stems from your keyboard deserves nothing less then The point everyone is trying to prove on here is your a dick. Thats leave alone and just end it.
hihihi, do I sense someone getting pissy...
I like it actually.
Another point proven -- if someone can piss you off over the internet, then...

Anyway, I just read about 150 Iraqis blown up on Sunday. What does Sunday have to do with the war and protecting the freedoms??? Do the terrorists rest on Sundays??? Must be something I missed in Bush's speach...

" is your a dick..." -- my grammar is not the best, but this is great too...

I agree with you, we should just quit it here...and get back to talking about Bush, I think...
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      02-04-2007, 07:27 PM   #42
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osama is that you?

i do hate that enter key
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      02-04-2007, 07:28 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by dr325i View Post
hihihi, do I sense someone getting pissy...
I like it actually.
Another point proven -- if someone can piss you off over the internet, then...

Anyway, I just read about 150 Iraqis blown up on Sunday. What does Sunday have to do with the war and protecting the freedoms??? Do the terrorists rest on Sundays??? Must be something I missed in Bush's speach...

" is your a dick..." -- my grammar is not the best, but this is great too...

I agree with you, we should just quit it here...and get back to talking about Bush, I think...
You still make no sense...and you're still a dick
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      02-04-2007, 07:49 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by ski360 View Post
You still make no sense...and you're still a dick
Well, it is hard to explain to......never mind...
I'm done with you soldier.
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