Originally Posted by BigO1120
I was raised in a Hispanic family...one time my mom was disciplining me for something I had done (I was about 10 years old at the time). I made the grave mistake of telling my mom that I was going to call DYFS on her. She took the liberty of calling DYFS herself and when they came to our door she began beating me more. She confronted the DYFS representative and told her if she was going to take me away from her (mind you she had a leather belt in her hand).
The DYFS rep. told my mom to have a nice day. I pretty much blanked out for the rest of the day.
Parents have become so weak these days…
Unfortunately it's not just the parents; it our weak-assed bleeding heart liberal society that tries to stop us from disciplining our kids. Nowadays you're likely to be locked up for raising your voice to your kid much less spanking him or her.
We've (some of us) have been turned into pacifists by the media and other corrupt institutions - which is just where the NWO wants us to be. Pretty soon we will have no more will than a cow going to slaughter. Pathetic isn't it...