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      02-06-2023, 12:30 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Tacoma View Post
It goes deeper than just saying enforcement. There is already an existing Florida law that states slower traffic should move right, but it's inadequate. That why this new Bill specifically states you should not be in the left lane unless passing. Period.

So for example where I live in Ontario, the law states if you're moving at less than the normal speed of traffic then you should move over to the right where practical. That's pretty vague! So then that means you can camp in the left lane as long as you're within normal traffic speed? Doesn't give much for Police to go on, probably not worth the trouble of ticketing someone unless it's outright blatant violation like going 30 in a 60 zone or something.

I suspect some States have the same issue. The wording of the Florida Bill, however, is quite explicit: if you're not passing, then get out of the left lane. That puts the Police in a better position to enforce. At least in theory.

How would you enforce a left lane law? IMO it would be incredibly difficult and is similar to reckless driving.
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      02-06-2023, 07:16 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by F32Fleet View Post
How would you enforce a left lane law? IMO it would be incredibly difficult and is similar to reckless driving.
There would have to be some kind of public campaign. It is difficult. Mostly because everyone loses their minds when a cop is on the highway near them and bunches up at exactly the speed limit.
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      02-07-2023, 09:18 AM   #47
Wolf 335
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Originally Posted by Onesie View Post
Left lane passing law is BS. Just leave it as is as cars are allowed to pass on the right anyway, all good.
Passing on the right is a higher risk manouver as your view can be significantly limited. You are also merging yourself at a higher speed into a lane where vehicles are driving slow.

Seen too many videos of people trying to over take semi trucks by passing them on the right, only to hammer themselves into a slow moving vehicle that was next to the truck.

Last edited by Wolf 335; 02-07-2023 at 04:32 PM..
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      02-07-2023, 01:47 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Wolf 335 View Post
Passing on the right is a higher risk manouver as your view can be significantly limited. You are also merging yourself at a higher speed into a lane where wehicles are drviing slow.

Seen too many videos of people tring to over take semi trucks by passing them on the right, only to hammer themselves into a slow moving vehicle that was next to the truck.
So true, I literally have a video of a car that passed a big truck, obviously the truck didn't see it, clipped it and it spun like crazy like in the movies (confession, I passed on the right also just maybe 11 seconds before that victimized car, but I had to since my exit was coming up). Was so lucky (knock wood) but would like to think that I could've avoided it as the truck was slowly moving into the right lane.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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      02-07-2023, 05:22 PM   #49

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Originally Posted by dab1981 View Post
I was stationed in Germany for a while, and they have very strict left lane laws. Other drivers would call the Polizei if someone was hanging out in the left lane. It was a big safety concern, especially in the parts of the autobahn without a speed limit.

I wish we would have more left lane enforcement in the US. It's a bigger issue in my opinion than just speeding.
The US is a chit show on the highway. Literally just a bunch of morons either driving side by side so no one can pass on any lane, which is so dumb when I have to pass on the RIGHT cuz the morons don't know how to drive and are barely managing not to crash not to mention they cause traffic because if they're even 200 feet from the car in front they have to brake causing a massive brake chain and then traffic as the idiots are too fukn scared. And then you have idiots on the left lane here in California just driving slow.

It's gotten to the point where if I'm in a rush (2% of the time), I just cut up all the lines and drive within millimeters from the other cars just to show them what stupid idiots they are for being stupid and holding it back.

I'm from Austria but lived in Frankfurt and Munich for a while. Regret coming here the average American iq unfortunately is so Low, at least it is when it comes to driving. Seriously passing on the right? Driving side by side and purposely or stupidly not allowing passing? What is wrong with these morons? And then they get mad if you pass them as if they own their lane and dictate the speed limit. And are too quick to "call daddy and mommy police" to report peolle our of sheer hatred, jealousy, and spite.

In Europe, NONE of this happens, at least not in the German countries

And Yea this law either won't be enforced, or people like us who go 5 over the limit will still get ticketed for "going too fast". "Omg wow 80mph is so reckless". Are these people serious? Even 120 is not fast and would be my slow cruising speed if the country actually had intelligent peolle who would allow it
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      02-07-2023, 05:28 PM   #50

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Originally Posted by FC4 View Post
I've driven in Germany several times, mainly Frankfurt to Nurburgring and back on 4 separate occasions.

The biggest disappointment in Germany second only to the inedible food is the autobahn. Perhaps my expectations were too high, but I found their left-lane etiquette only slightly better than here in CA. It was nothing close to the way the internet makes it out to be. I'd often find myself parked behind a basic BMW or Audi for a good 30-seconds at <180 KPH in the unlimited secions, which would only be unlimited for a short time anyway, followed by endless construction zones.
Could be lots of foreigners. Also not all the autobahn has no speed limit.. Some parts have no limit the rest have limits and are heavily enforced. Which sucks. At least you can go on a track there so easily as opposed to the US, where they make you sign so much paperwork because apparently if you crash on a track in America because you CHOSE TO GO THERE, its the tracks fault and they owe you money. No one in Europe thinks like this and they take responsibility, here. You need to sign a million waivers and pay through the roof compared to Europe just to have the "privilege" to go on the track.
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