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      11-13-2009, 03:27 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by DougLikesBMW View Post
There is a difference between torture and humanely killing animals.

All the racial stuff though...this thread will get locked...
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      11-13-2009, 06:00 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by ChineseGuy View Post
I said in my first post that it's wrong, I'm just going off topic to say animal slaughtering is wrong also.
We need to sit you down in front of a few videos of random animals eaten alive in the wild

<Pick your favorite predator> doesn't care how it treats it's prey. Be thankful most of humanity does.
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      11-13-2009, 06:18 PM   #47
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we chinese DO hate each other. LOL.
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      11-13-2009, 06:33 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Topless 335i View Post
Don't get your panties in a bunch.
Let me make a joke about killing one of your pets and say "animal cruelty FTW"

Wonder how you'd react

Either way, animal cruelty isn't a joking matter.
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      11-13-2009, 06:54 PM   #49

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Originally Posted by Topless 335i View Post
Don't get your panties in a bunch.
LOL you're still being retarded.
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      11-13-2009, 07:21 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by DevJ View Post
Let me make a joke about killing one of your pets and say "animal cruelty FTW"

Wonder how you'd react

Either way, animal cruelty isn't a joking matter.
Go ahead. I've never had pets besides a fish, don't want animals in the house. Besides, you've never played a violent video game or watched a violent movie? In those cases it's okay to make human lives a joking matter but I can't make a joking comment about animal lives?
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      11-13-2009, 07:22 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by boymonkey View Post
LOL you're still being retarded.
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      11-13-2009, 07:55 PM   #52

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Originally Posted by Socom View Post
First: The Hebei Province is 96% Han and it surrounds Bejing. So in all likelihood they are Han.
o ya great argument there, The state of Wyoming has ove4 94% white people and if a robbery is committed with no facial recognition, we can just assume it was a white guy right.
Cops: "well the guy had a mask on, so we didn't get his face, but based on Wyoming's over whelming White population, in all likelihood, we are going to say he is white."
Hebei also touches Liaoning to the northeast, Inner Mongolia to the north, Shanxi to the west, Henan to the south, and Shandong to the southeast with over 20 other ethnicity prime location that are free to move around.

Originally Posted by Socom View Post
Second: I don't give a shit whether it's legal or illegal for the populous to own a weapon in China. I'm sure the ChiCom gov't could spare a soldier or two to perform the execution.
Great debate skill dumbass, you know you are a winner when you open your argument with "I don't give a shit." Call a soldier out and perform animal executions, great idea there champ, PETA:" China orders soldiers on an animal killing rampage." Hey I trapped a mouse in my kitchen last night, and because I feel its more humane to shoot it in the head vs letting him starve to death in the trash and I don't own a gun, I called the government and asked them to send down a Marine to do the job for me. How fucking logical is that, geez how old are you man?

Originally Posted by Socom View Post
Third: Those who torture animals are only 5 degrees from being a serial killer and I can't think of any culture, past or present, in this world that treats mammals like that.
People that INTENTIONALLY torture animals for no other purpose other than entertainment are only 5 degrees from being a serial killer. These people have a reason and as I stated before, they are trying to get a whole fur without damaging it.
What's your thoughts on the US soldier that kicked that puppy down a cliff and filmed it? Did he have a reason to do that besides pure entertainment and sickness to the head? Are you saying this soldier is a serial killer? Because I remember there were plenty of people that defended him saying he had too much war pressure and shit. well tough shit, its your job, and you don't get to kick puppies to relieve stress.
I can also remember plenty of instances that people treated not only mammals but PEOPLE like that.
Whaling, Buffalo, Seal hunt, Dolphin hunt, Bear traps, Hitler and the Jews, Americans and the Indians, the list goes on, Human race as a whole is nasty and godless, so how bout you read up on your history books there son.

Originally Posted by Socom View Post
Fourth: I have a suspiscion if I said Tibetan, or Uyghur you wouldn't be soo vocal. An asian calling someone else about the pot calling the kettle black. HA HA HA HA.
Ahhh the truth comes out, this is the real reason you little dick, I knew you were a fucking separatist. Just as separatist do, find anyway possible to smear the Han Chinese for your own fucked up agenda. Fuck no I wouldn't be vocal and you want to know why I won't you fucking prick?
Because Tibetans burn, rape and kill Hans in bullshit riots and they murder prego women and children.
Uyghur fuckers stab Hans with aids needles and also murder Hans for no other reason than hate. They are also in an international recognized terrorist group with couple guys locked up in GuamBay.
Im sorry but I won't voice for terrorists.

Why can't Asians call some1 else racist? If anything, Asians as a whole is the biggest target of racism here in America. We have the smallest voting population among White, Black and Hispanics, so politicians give least shits about the needs of Asians. We have the most money but smallest physical size and often than not peaceful, some might even say timid, so we end up being the target of robberies not only in US but worldwide. That is how bullshits such as the anti-Chinese act was able to pass.
The reason I say target and not victim is because unlike other minorities when racism is inflicted upon Asians, we don't go on TV and cry and protest about it, because we know no 1 cares, so instead we shut our mouth and continue working harder. This is how Asians have the highest median income than any other race in America and its not due to lack of racism cast upon us either, we just don't complain and keep a business mind.
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      11-13-2009, 08:06 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Prowess Symphony View Post
That is not a video of a natural predator in the wild. The prey in the wild usually dies very quickly. They are not slowly skinned and left to slowly die for sometimes hours. You cannot compare a human willing torturing an animal, to a predator that doesnt know any better. Apples to oranges.
You're absolutely correct.
Thankfully that's not what I was saying.
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      11-13-2009, 08:08 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
o ya great argument there, The state of Wyoming has ove4 94% white people and if a robbery is committed with no facial recognition, we can just assume it was a white guy right.
Cops: "well the guy had a mask on, so we didn't get his face, but based on Wyoming's over whelming White population, in all likelihood, we are going to say he is white."
Hebei also touches Liaoning to the northeast, Inner Mongolia to the north, Shanxi to the west, Henan to the south, and Shandong to the southeast with over 20 other ethnicity prime location that are free to move around.

Great debate skill dumbass, you know you are a winner when you open your argument with "I don't give a shit." Call a soldier out and perform animal executions, great idea there champ, PETA:" China orders soldiers on an animal killing rampage." Hey I trapped a mouse in my kitchen last night, and because I feel its more humane to shoot it in the head vs letting him starve to death in the trash and I don't own a gun, I called the government and asked them to send down a Marine to do the job for me. How fucking logical is that, geez how old are you man?

People that INTENTIONALLY torture animals for no other purpose other than entertainment are only 5 degrees from being a serial killer. These people have a reason and as I stated before, they are trying to get a whole fur without damaging it.
What's your thoughts on the US soldier that kicked that puppy down a cliff and filmed it? Did he have a reason to do that besides pure entertainment and sickness to the head? Are you saying this soldier is a serial killer? Because I remember there were plenty of people that defended him saying he had too much war pressure and shit. well tough shit, its your job, and you don't get to kick puppies to relieve stress.
I can also remember plenty of instances that people treated not only mammals but PEOPLE like that.
Whaling, Buffalo, Seal hunt, Dolphin hunt, Bear traps, Hitler and the Jews, Americans and the Indians, the list goes on, Human race as a whole is nasty and godless, so how bout you read up on your history books there son.

Ahhh the truth comes out, this is the real reason you little dick, I knew you were a fucking separatist. Just as separatist do, find anyway possible to smear the Han Chinese for your own fucked up agenda. Fuck no I wouldn't be vocal and you want to know why I won't you fucking prick?
Because Tibetans burn, rape and kill Hans in bullshit riots and they murder prego women and children.
Uyghur fuckers stab Hans with aids needles and also murder Hans for no other reason than hate. They are also in an international recognized terrorist group with couple guys locked up in GuamBay.
Im sorry but I won't voice for terrorists.

Why can't Asians call some1 else racist? If anything, Asians as a whole is the biggest target of racism here in America. We have the smallest voting population among White, Black and Hispanics, so politicians give least shits about the needs of Asians. We have the most money but smallest physical size and often than not peaceful, some might even say timid, so we end up being the target of robberies not only in US but worldwide. That is how bullshits such as the anti-Chinese act was able to pass.
The reason I say target and not victim is because unlike other minorities when racism is inflicted upon Asians, we don't go on TV and cry and protest about it, because we know no 1 cares, so instead we shut our mouth and continue working harder. This is how Asians have the highest median income than any other race in America and its not due to lack of racism cast upon us either, we just don't complain and keep a business mind.
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      11-13-2009, 08:27 PM   #55
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Wow this is beyond fucked up...
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      11-17-2009, 10:13 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
o ya great argument there, The state of Wyoming has ove4 94% white people and if a robbery is committed with no facial recognition, we can just assume it was a white guy right.
Cops: "well the guy had a mask on, so we didn't get his face, but based on Wyoming's over whelming White population, in all likelihood, we are going to say he is white."
Hebei also touches Liaoning to the northeast, Inner Mongolia to the north, Shanxi to the west, Henan to the south, and Shandong to the southeast with over 20 other ethnicity prime location that are free to move around.

Great debate skill dumbass, you know you are a winner when you open your argument with "I don't give a shit." Call a soldier out and perform animal executions, great idea there champ, PETA:" China orders soldiers on an animal killing rampage." Hey I trapped a mouse in my kitchen last night, and because I feel its more humane to shoot it in the head vs letting him starve to death in the trash and I don't own a gun, I called the government and asked them to send down a Marine to do the job for me. How fucking logical is that, geez how old are you man?

People that INTENTIONALLY torture animals for no other purpose other than entertainment are only 5 degrees from being a serial killer. These people have a reason and as I stated before, they are trying to get a whole fur without damaging it.
What's your thoughts on the US soldier that kicked that puppy down a cliff and filmed it? Did he have a reason to do that besides pure entertainment and sickness to the head? Are you saying this soldier is a serial killer? Because I remember there were plenty of people that defended him saying he had too much war pressure and shit. well tough shit, its your job, and you don't get to kick puppies to relieve stress.
I can also remember plenty of instances that people treated not only mammals but PEOPLE like that.
Whaling, Buffalo, Seal hunt, Dolphin hunt, Bear traps, Hitler and the Jews, Americans and the Indians, the list goes on, Human race as a whole is nasty and godless, so how bout you read up on your history books there son.

Ahhh the truth comes out, this is the real reason you little dick, I knew you were a fucking separatist. Just as separatist do, find anyway possible to smear the Han Chinese for your own fucked up agenda. Fuck no I wouldn't be vocal and you want to know why I won't you fucking prick?
Because Tibetans burn, rape and kill Hans in bullshit riots and they murder prego women and children.
Uyghur fuckers stab Hans with aids needles and also murder Hans for no other reason than hate. They are also in an international recognized terrorist group with couple guys locked up in GuamBay.
Im sorry but I won't voice for terrorists.

Why can't Asians call some1 else racist? If anything, Asians as a whole is the biggest target of racism here in America. We have the smallest voting population among White, Black and Hispanics, so politicians give least shits about the needs of Asians. We have the most money but smallest physical size and often than not peaceful, some might even say timid, so we end up being the target of robberies not only in US but worldwide. That is how bullshits such as the anti-Chinese act was able to pass.
The reason I say target and not victim is because unlike other minorities when racism is inflicted upon Asians, we don't go on TV and cry and protest about it, because we know no 1 cares, so instead we shut our mouth and continue working harder. This is how Asians have the highest median income than any other race in America and its not due to lack of racism cast upon us either, we just don't complain and keep a business mind.

LOL....Oh yeah the poor Hans. How many baby girls get murdered in China every year?

So the Chinese gov't force migrates Hans into western China so they can become the predom poplulation, and you expect the indigenous people to just sit back and take it?

BTW...The Ughars who were swept up in Afghanistan and transported to Gitmo were deemed as not a threat and released months ago. Infact, they were living in seperate "hotel like" quarters away from rest of the detainees.

Chicom's have over 1 million soldiers. I'm sure they could spare one, or maybe they'd rather continue to use them to manufacture counterfeit Louis Vitton luggage? Afterall aside gun powder what has China actually developed on it's own rather than copied within the past 500 years?

Don't blame me for that China failed government policies. Now go back to reading your little red book.
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      11-17-2009, 11:51 AM   #57
Topless 335i
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      11-17-2009, 12:45 PM   #58

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Originally Posted by ChineseGuy View Post
I really don't see how killing an animal makes it morally correct or reasonable compared to skinning an animal.

We chop their heads off, tear them into pieces, train people to study how to cook these stuff to achieve the best taste possible, and we even throw away the left overs because we think it wouldn't taste the same the next morning.

That to me is cruel if we think for the animals.

Same goes with skinning animals just to get their fur.

Same shit to me, just presented in different ways...
You are going to die 1 of 2 ways. You get to choose.

Option #1 - Bullet in the head

Option #2 - Skinned alive


Alternatively, I guess you aren't an organ donor? What do you think happens afterwards? How is any of that different?

Last edited by ianthegreat; 11-17-2009 at 01:09 PM..
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      11-17-2009, 12:59 PM   #59

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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
Also about your third point. Didn't we nearly hunt Buffalo to extinction? We also did quite a number on beavers from what I remember.
I hate these kinds of comparisons. "oh yea well in 1492 columbus blah blah blah shut up."

Get your head out of your ass. You're probably the type that thinks I should have to pay for slavery too?

P.S. +1 on TiAg 335i
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      11-17-2009, 01:08 PM   #60

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Originally Posted by samwoo2go View Post
oya great argument there, The state of Wyoming has ove4 94% white people and if a robbery is committed with no facial recognition, we can just assume it was a white guy right.
Cops: "well the guy had a mask on, so we didn't get his face, but based on Wyoming's over whelming White population, in all likelihood, we are going to say he is white." [/B]
Hebei also touches Liaoning to the northeast, Inner Mongolia to the north, Shanxi to the west, Henan to the south, and Shandong to the southeast with over 20 other ethnicity prime location that are free to move around.
Well yes there is a 94% chance he is white - it's a pretty safe assumption. I hate these stupid ass arguments. Our security forces can't profile at airports because of this. America, we have issues when we completely ignore statistics.
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